Right to the city

Mise à jour le   03/07/2024
©UBO/Chaire Noz Breizh - Night walk in Keredern, June 2023

Right to the city

As part of the Social dynamics axis of the Noz Breizh Chair, the project Right to the city aims to provide a better understanding of how the city is experienced at night.

Since September 2022, students from the Department of sociology at UBO have been participating in a sociological study regarding the social acceptability of decreased artificial lighting in some districts of Brest métropole, supervised by a team of teacher-researchers from LABERS (ER3149).

In order to capture the nocturnal habits and perceptions of the inhabitants of the city, a hybrid methodology has been established:

  • Students in their first year of bachelor's degree in sociology have created a survey notebook that the participants were invited to fill in every day: what are
    their nocturnal trips, their activities, their sociability in Brest at night? To complete the work, semi-structured interviews were conducted.
  • At the same time, students in their second year of bachelor's degree in sociology designed and administered a survey on the perception of the extinction of public lighting at night in several suburban and residential districts of Brest.

Finally, two photographers, Bénédicte de Kersabiec and Nathalie Le Roux, brought an artistic perspective to the research in collaboration with the project team.

Our scientific exchanges were enriched by the photographic exhibition entitled "Crossing the night", which was part of the Noz Num symposium at UBO and later exhibited by ZAAT as part of a temporary exhibition.

Coordinated by gilda charrier, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at UBO, this exhibition established a dialogue between our fieldwork and the artistic work of these two Brest-based photographers.


A research project carried out by

Press review

Our publications regarding Right to the city

Scientific publications



Citation : 

Chaire Noz Breizh (2024), Droit à la ville, étudier la perception par les habitant⸱e⸱s de l’extinction de l’éclairage public, présenté dans le cadre du colloque Smart Noz, Brest, 18-20 mars 2024

Citation : 

Chaire Noz Breizh (2024), Droit à la ville, étudier la perception de l’extinction de l’éclairage public (1ère enquête, méthode du carnet), présenté lors du colloque Smart Noz, Brest, 18-20 mars 2024

Citation : 

Chaire Noz Breizh (2024), Droit à la ville, étudier la perception de l’extinction de l’éclairage public (2e enquête, questionnaire), présenté lors du colloque Smart Noz, Brest, 18-20 mars 2024

Our meetings

The Noz Num international symposium took place from March 14th to 16th, 2023 at UBO. The main objective was to share the initial results of our exploratory project Noz Num: walking in the city at night, a project accredited by MSHB (2021-2023).

On this occasion, we were delighted to welcome 19 speakers, some of whom travelled from Brazil, Mexico, Canada, Poland and Turkey, as well as a number of participants who were able to follow our exchanges, both in person and remotely.

Our scientific exchanges were enriched by a photographic exhibition entitled "Traverser la nuit". Coordinated by gilda charrier, Senior Lecturer in Sociology at UBO, this exhibition enabled us to establish a dialogue between the data from our fieldwork and the artistic work of two Brest-based photographers: Bénédicte de Kersabiec and Nathalie Le Roux.

Thanks to the host laboratories,
UBO departments
and all our partners
who made this symposium possible!