Research interest
Keywords: Organic synthesis, phosphorus, amphiphiles, arsonium, phosphonium, non-viral gene vectors, fluorescent probes
Organic synthesis of amphiphilic compounds and their applications as non-viral gene delivery vectors. Synthesis of amphiphilic compounds with potent antimicrobials properties. Synthesis of fluorescent labeled amphiphiles. Synthesis of molecular building blocks for construction of MOF (Metal Organic Frameworks)
Assistant professor, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France since 2011
“Phosphorus and Vectorisation” Research group, UMR CNRS 6521.
Post-doctoral position, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, Brest, France 2009-2011
“Phosphorus and Vectorisation” Research group, UMR CNRS 6521
Post-doctoral position, Ecole de Chimie de Rennes I, Rennes, France 2008-2009
"Chimie Organique et Supramoléculaire" Research group, UMR CNRS 6226.
PhD thesis, Ecole de Chimie de Rennes I, Rennes, France 2004-2007
"Chimie Organique et Supramoléculaire" Research group, UMR CNRS 6226.
PhD thesis, Ecole de Chimie de Rennes I, 2004-2007
"Chimie Organique et Supramoléculaire" Research group, UMR CNRS 6226.
Master degree in Biochemistry, Université de Rennes I, 2002-2004
Teaching activities
- Organic chemistry (Licence 1, Licence 2, Master 1)
- Biochemistry (Licence 2)
- Formulations of cosmetics and amphiphilic compounds (Master 1)
- Spectroscopic methods for analysis of natural compounds
- Coordinator for "Olympiades Nationales de la Chimie", Brest
- Treasurer for "Olympiades Nationales de la Chimie", Bretagne
- Member of the Plateform SynNanoVect (synthesis and sale of non-viral gene vectors and -fluorescent amphiphilic coumpounds)
Scientific production and Conferences
27 publications in peer review journals
1 book chapter (Wiley)
1 patent
4 oral communications in national/international congress
1. 32ème colloque du Groupe d’Etudes en Chimie Organique GECO 52 (Aber Wrac’h, 2011)
2. 3ème journée du Cancéropôle Grand Ouest (Nantes, 2008)
3. 3ème rencontre Biologie Physique du Grand Ouest (Batz sur Mer, 2007)
4. XXIème journée du Groupe Français de Glucides (Le Croisic, 2006)
9 posters in national/international congress
1. 1er international congress SFNano2014 (Nancy, 2014)
2. 10ème colloque de l’Axe valorisation des produits de la mer (Nantes, 2014)
3. 12ème Colloque des Jeunes Chercheurs travaillant sur la mucoviscidose (Paris, 2011)
4. 12th Belgian Organic Synthesis Symposium (Belgique, 2010)
5. The 33rd European Cystic Fibrosis Conference (Brest, 2009)
6. 3ème journée du Cancéropôle Grand Ouest (Nantes, 2008)
7. Congress Biomass-Derived Pentose: From Biotechnology to Fine Chemistry (Reims, 2006)
8. International congress of biophysic (Montpellier, 2005)
9. Congrès Parfums et Cosmétique (Paris, 2005)
Selected publications
(1) Silver-based hybrid materials from meta or para phosphonobenzoic acid: Influence of the topology on silver release in water. J.M. Rueff, O. Perez, V. Caignaert, G. Hix, M. Berchel, F. Quentel, P.A. Jaffrès. Inorg. Chem., 2015, 54, 2152-2159, DOI: 10.1021/ic502395s.
(2) Cationic dialkylarylphosphates: new family of bio-inspired cationic lipids for gene delivery.S. Le Corre, N. Belmadi, M. Berchel, T. Le Gall, J.-P. Haelters, P. Lehn, T. Montier, P.-A. Jaffrès. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2015, 13, 1122-1132, DOI: 10.1039/c4ob01770f.
(1) Cationic trialkylphosphates: synthesis and transfection efficacies compared to phosphoramidate analogues. S. Le Corre, M. Berchel, T. Le Gall, J.-P. Haelters, P. Lehn, T. Montier, P.-A. Jaffrès. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2014, 8041-8048, DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201403103.
(2) Functionalized Phospholipid Molecular Platform: Use for Production of Cationic Fluorescent Lipids. M. Berchel, J.-P. Haelters, D. Afonso, A. Maroto, L. Deschamps, P. Giamarchi, P.-A. Jaffrès.. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2014, 1074-1083, DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201301416.
(1) Arsonium - containing lipophosphoramides, poly-functional nano-carriers for simultaneous antibacterial action and eukaryotic cell transfection. T. Le Gall, M. Berchel, S. Le Hir, A. Fraix, J.-Y. Salaün, C. Férec, P. Lehn, P.-A. Jaffrès, T. Montier. Adv. Healthcare Mater, 2013, 2, 1513-1524, DOI: 10.1002/adhm.201200478.
(2) Cationic lipophosphoramidates with two disulfide motifs: synthesis, behaviour in reductive media and gene transfection activity. A. Fraix, T. Le Gall, M. Berchel, C. Denis, P. Lehn, T. Montier, P.-A. Jaffrès. Org. Biomol. Chem., 2013, 11, 1650-1658, DOI: 10.1039/c3ob27261c.
(1) Lipophosphonate/lipophosphoramidates: a family of synthetic vectors efficient for gene delivery. M. Berchel, T. Le Gall, H. Couthon-Gourvès, J.-P. Haelters, T. Montier, P. Midoux, P. Lehn, P.-A. Jaffrès. Biochimie, 2012, 94, 33-41, DOI: 10.1016/j.biochi.2011.07.026.
(2) Gene transfer by histidylated lipopolyplexes: A dehydration method allowing preservation of their physicochemical parameters and transfection efficiency. F. Perche, O. Lambert, M. Berchel, P.-A. Jaffrès, C. Pichon, P. Midoux. . Int. J. Pharm., 2012, 423, 144-150, DOI: 10.1016/j.ijpharm.2011.04.009.
(1) Modular construction of fluorescent lipophosphoramidates by click chemistry. M. Berchel, J.-P. Haelters, H. Couthon-Gourvès, L. Deschamps, P. Midoux, P. Lehn, P.-A. Jaffrès. Eur. J. Org. Chem., 2011, 6294-6303, DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201100900.
(1) Unexpected |LS|1,4|RS|-base induced phospho-Fries rearrangement. M. Berchel, J.-Y. Salaün, H. Couthon-Gourvès, J.-P. Haelters, P.-A. Jaffrès. t. Dalton Trans., 2010, 39, 11314-11316, DOI: 10.1039/C0DT00880J.