Séminaire M2 (2012)
Art and Artifice
Responsable : Camille Manfredi

The students in M2 Research “Texts, Images, and Representations” are organizing their seminar on March, 29, 2012. The focus this year will be on artifice, that is, the tensions between the quest for mimesis and the artifices displayed in art. To what extent are human constructions a revealer of some truth, knowing that they are, by nature, artefacts?
The analyses of this seminar will put to the fore the malleability of the worlds of make-believe with such tools as masks, mirrors, frames, symbols, or the fantastic genre in literature, whose aim is to signify the dialectic between authenticity and artifice. The purpose is to engage an interdisciplinary debate on artifice in the creative process, in theatre, in fiction or short-fiction, poetry and diaries. To this aim, we will rely on different approaches such as microanalysis, psychoanalysis, or intersemioticity.
This seminar vividly encourages participants to reflect on this notion of illusion in other fields of study such as visual arts,
sociology or psychology and is welcoming proposals for a 5 to 10-minute paper. It will give an opportunity for M1, M2 and
PhD students to present their work to an audience of peers and senior researchers.
Proposals should be no longer than 150 words and sent no later than February, 17, 2012. Papers as well as final presentations should be written or given in English.
Contact: Mathilde.Caer@etudiant.univ-brest.fr