IBSAM Conference: the Marseille Immunology Biocluster by Pr Olive

À 10h00
Amphi D, Faculté de Sciences et Techniques, Université de Brest

Next IBSAM Conference and General Assembly to take place on Tuesday 5th december. Pr Olive, leader of the Marseille Immunology Biocluster (MIB), will present the project awarded recently through the national call for project France 2030 "Biocluster": "From a successful immuno-oncology biotech ecosystem to a global immunology cluster".


The conference will be followed by two oral communications including one from Cristian Iperi, PhD student at LBAI-UMR1227: "BiomiX, a user-friendly bioinformatic tool for automatized multiomics data analysis and integration". 


The event will be followed by the IBSAM General Assembly. which is open to every members of the IBSAM laboratories.  


Tuesday 5th December
Amphi D, Faculté Sciences et Techniques, 6 avenue Victor Le Gorgeu, Brest
Conference and General Assembly from 10:00-12:00

