Maître de conférences
Section 30 - Optique et milieux dilués

Etablissement : Université Bretagne Occidentale
Affectation de recherche : OPTIMAG

Equipe(s) : Optique
Pour la messagerie : prénom.nom@univ-brest.fr
Page personnelle : 02-98-01-66-67


Revues internationales avec comité de lecture

X. Theillier, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and Y. Le Grand, "Swept-wavelength null polarimeter for high-speed weak anisotropy measurements", Opt. Express 30(9) (2022)

G. Alzeeb, M. Dubreuil, D. Aarzur, S. Rivet, L. Corcos, Y. Le Grand, and C. Corcos, "Gastric cancer multicellular spheroids analysis by two-photon microscopy", Biomed. Opt. Express 13(5) (2022)

D. Spenato, M. Dubreuil, D. Morineau, P. Giamarchi, D. Dekadkevi, J-P Jay, A. Fessant, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Ta/NiO subwavelength bilayer for wide gamut, strong interference structural color", J. Phys. Commun. 6, 035002 (2022)

M. Dubreuil, F. Tissier, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Linear diattenuation imaging of biological tissues with near infrared Mueller scanning microscopy", Biomed. Opt. Express 12(1), 41-54 (2021)

S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil, A. Bradu and Y. Le Grand, " Optimization of fast spectrally encoded Mueller polarimeters for real-time monitoring ", JOSA A 36, C9-C17 (2019)

K. Raimondeau, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil, Y. Le Grand, L. Dupont & J-L de Bougrenet de la Tocnaye, "Transmittance enhancement of nematic liquid crystal dichroic dye doped mixtures by addition of chiral dopants: a polarimetric analysis", Molecular crystals and liquid crystals 680(1), 20-30 (2019)

S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil, A. Bradu and Y. Le Grand, "Fast spectrally encoded Mueller optical scanning microscopy", Scientific Report 9:3972 (2019)

M. Dubreuil, F. Tissier, L. Le Roy, JP Pennec, S. Rivet, MA Giroux-Metges and Y. Le Grand, "Polarization-resolved second harmonic microscopy of skeletal muscle in sepsis ", Biomed. Opt. Express 9(12), 6350-6358 (2018)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Snapshot second harmonic generation polarimeter based on spectral analysis", Optics Letters 42(22), 4639-4642 (2017)

A. Le Gratiet, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Scanning Mueller polarimetric microscopy", Optics Letters  41(18), 4336-4339 (2016)

F. Tissier, Y. Mallem, C. Goanvec, R. Didier, T. Aubry, N. Bourgeois, J-C Desfontis, M. Dubreuil, Y. Le Grand, J. Mansourati, K. Pichavant-Rafini, E. Plee-Gautier, P. Roquefort, M. Theron, M. Gilard, "A non-hypocholesterolemic atorvastatin treatment improves vessel elasticity by acting on elastin composition in WHHL rabbits", Atherosclerosis 2514, 70-77 (2016)

A. Le Gratiet, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and Y. Le Grand, "100kHz-Mueller polarimeter in reflection configuration", Optics Letters 40(4), 645–648 (2015)

D. Sevrain, M. Dubreuil, G. E. Dolman, A. Zaitoun, W. Irving, I. N. Guha, C. Odin, and Y. Le Grand, "Evaluation of area-based collagen scoring by nonlinear microscopy in chronic hepatitis C-induced liver fibrosis", Biomedical Optics Express 6(4), 1209-1218 (2015)

D. Sevrain, M. Dubreuil, A. Leray, C. Odin, and Y. Le Grand, "Measuring the scattering coefficient of turbid media from two-photon microscopy", Optics Express 21(21), 25221–25235 (2013)

P. Babilotte, V. N. H. Silva, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, L. Dupont and B. Le Jeune, “Impact of the concentration in polymer on the dynamic behavior of Polymer Stabilized Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal using Snap-shot Mueller Matrix Polarimetry”, Eur. Phys. J. E 36: 55 (2013)

M. Dubreuil, P. Delrot, I. Leonard, A. Alfalou, C. Brosseau, and A. Dogariu, "Exploring underwater target detection by imaging polarimetry and correlation techniques," Applied Optics 52(5), 997-1005 (2013)

P. Babilotte, V. N. H. Silva, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, B. Le Jeune and L. Dupont, “Experimental study of the dynamic behaviour of twisted ferroelectric liquid crystal samples using snap-shot Mueller matrix polarimetry”, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 46, 125101 (2013)

M. Dubreuil, A. Alfalou and C. Brosseau, "Robustness against attacks of dual polarization encryption using the Stokes–Mueller formalism", Journal of Optics 14(7), 094004 (2012)

V. N. H. Silva, P. Babilotte, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil, B. Le Jeune and L. Dupont, “Characterization of the dynamics of surface stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal under electric field by full optical snapshot matrix Mueller polarimeter”, Optical Engineering 51(12), 123601 (2012)

M. Dubreuil, P. Babilotte, V. N. H. Silva, S. Rivet, B. Le Jeune and L. Dupont, "Correlation between static and dynamic polarimetric properties and the texture of Surface-Stabilized ferroelectric liquid crystal cells", Liquid Crystals 39(5), 619-628 (2012)

M. Dubreuil, P. Babilotte, L. Martin, D. Sevrain, S. Rivet, Y. Le Grand, G. Le Brun, B. Turlin and B. Le Jeune, "Mueller matrix polarimetry for improved liver fibrosis diagnosis", Optics Letters 37(6), 1061-1063 (2012)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, B. Le Jeune and L. Dupont, "Time-resolved switching analysis of a ferroelectric liquid crystal by snapshot Mueller matrix polarimetry", Optics Letters 35(7), 1019-1021 (2010)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, B. Le Jeune and J. Cariou, "Two-channel snapshot Mueller matrix polarimeter", Applied Optics 48(33), 6501-6505 (2009)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, B. Le Jeune and J. Cariou, "Systematic errors specific to a snapshot Mueller matrix polarimeter", Applied Optics 48(6), 1135-1142 (2009)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, B. Le Jeune and J. Cariou, "Snapshot Mueller matrix polarimeter by wavelength polarization coding", Optics Express 15(21), 13660-13668 (2007)

Actes de congrès

X. Theillier, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and Y. Le Grand, "Swept-wavelength null polarimetry for weak linear birefringence imaging",Proc.SPIE, Unconventionnal Imaging III (2022).

S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil, A. Bradu and Y. Le Grand, "Fast Mueller Linear Polarization Modality at the Usual Rate of a Laser Scanning Microscope" Advances in Microscopic Imaging. Proceedings of SPIE Volume 11076, 1107616, p.43 (2019).

A. Le Gratiet ; M. Dubreuil ; S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "100 kHz Mueller polarimeter for laser scanning polarimetric microscopy ", Proc. SPIE 9887, Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care V, 988724 (2016)

P. Babilotte, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, Y. Lijour, D. Sevrain, L. Martin, G. Le Brun, Y. Le Grand and B. Le Jeune, "Snapshot Mueller polarimetry for biomedical diagnostic related to human liver fibrosis: evaluation of the method for biomedical assessments", Proc. SPIE 8172, 817206 (2011)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Snapshot Mueller matrix polarimetry by wavelength polarization coding and application to the study of switching dynamics in a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell", Proc. SPIE 7787-10 (2010)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Snapshot Mueller matrix polarimetry by wavelength polarization coding and application to the study of switching dynamics in a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell", EPJ Web of Conference 5, 06001 (2010)



X. Theillier, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and Y. Le Grand, "Swept-wavelength null polarimetry for weak linear birefringence imaging",SPIE Europe, Unconventionnal Imaging III, Strasbourg (2022).

S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil, A. Bradu and Y. Le Grand, "Fast Mueller Linear Polarization Modality at the Usual Rate of a Laser Scanning Microscope" Advances in Microscopic Imaging (2019).

(Plenary) M. Dubreuil,S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Second harmonic generation microscopy of biological tissues", ISLS 2018, Brest, France (2018)

(Invited) M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Mueller and SHG polarimetric imaging of biological tissues", Nikon School 4th NIC@IIT Advanced Practical Workshop, Genoa, Italy (2017)

A. Le Gratiet, M. Dubreuil,S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "100 kHz Mueller polarimeter for laser scanning polarimetric microscopy ", SPIE Europe, Biophotonics: Photonic Solutions for Better Health Care V, Bruxelles (2016)

P. Babilotte, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, Y. Lijour, D. Sevrain, L. Martin, G. Le Brun, Y. Le Grand and B. Le Jeune, "Snapshot Mueller polarimetry for biomedical diagnostic related to human liver fibrosis: evaluation of the method for biomedical assessments", SPIE Optical Systems Design, Marseille (2011)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Characterization of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell by snapshot Mueller matrix polarimetry", IIIrd International workshop on Liquid Crystal for Photonics, Elche (2010)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Snapshot Mueller matrix polarimetry by wavelength polarization coding and application to the study of switching dynamics in a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell", SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego (2010)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Snapshot Mueller matrix polarimeter by wavelength polarization coding. First results on the characterization of a ferroelectric liquid crystal cell", 1st NanoCharm workshop on Advanced Polarimetric Instrumentation, Paris (2009)


M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, F. Tissier, A. Bradu and Y. Le Grand, "Microscopie polarimétrique multimodale Mueller/non-linéaire des tissus biologiques", Optique Dijon, France (2021)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Linear and non linear polarimetric microscopy", Optique Toulouse, France (2018)

A. Le Gratiet, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet, and Y. Le Grand, "Développement d'un microscope de Mueller à balayage Laser utilisant une swept source", Optique Bordeaux (2016)

A. Le Gratiet, M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and Y. Le Grand, "Polarimétrie de Mueller à 100kHz pour la microscopie polarimétrique à balayage laser", OptDiag, Paris (2016)

A. Le Gratiet, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and Y. Le Grand, "Polarimétrie de Mueller en réflexion par codage spectral de la polarisation, utilisant une swept-source à 100KHz", Journées d'Imagerie Optique Non Conventionnelle (JIONC), Paris (2015)

A. Le Gratiet, S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and Y. Le Grand, "Polarimétrie de Mueller en réflexion par codage spectral de la polarisation, utilisant une swept-source à 100KHz", Journées Electromagnétisme Polarisation et Optique Statistique (EPOS), Marseille (2014)

S. Rivet, M. Dubreuil and B. Le Jeune, "Polarimètre de Mueller instantané, application à la dynamique de cellules à cristaux liquides et de milieux biologiques", Journées Electromagnétisme Polarisation et Optique Statistique (EPOS), Marseille (2011)

M. Dubreuil, A. Alfalou and C. Brosseau, "Robustesse au piratage des clés d’une méthode de cryptage double d’images polarisées", Journées Electromagnétisme Polarisation et Optique Statistique (EPOS), Marseille (2011)

M. Dubreuil, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Polarimétrie de Mueller instantanée: développements et application à la caractérisation de cristaux liquides ferroélectriques", Journées Optique et Polarisation III, Marseille (2009)

M. Dubreuil, P. Lemaillet, S. Rivet and B. Le Jeune, "Polarimètre de Mueller instantané: Principe et Conditionnement", Journées Optique et Polarisation II, Lyon (2008)