Directrice de Recherche CNRS
Spécialisée dans les interactions entre microalgues toxiques (HAB) et mollusques marins

Etablissement : Université Bretagne Occidentale

Equipe(s) : Equipe 1 Panorama Physiologie intégrative et adaptation des organismes marins : du gène à la population
Pour la messagerie : prénom.nom@univ-brest.fr

Page personnelle : http://www-iuem.univ-brest.fr/LEMAR

Retrouvez les pdfs de toutes les publications sur researchgate:


1. Hégaret, H., Wikfors, G.H. and Soudant, P., 2003. Flow-cytometric analysis of haemocytes from eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, subjected to a sudden elevation in temperature: I. Haemocyte types and morphology. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 293, 237-248.

2. Hégaret, H., Wikfors, G.H., and Soudant, P., 2003. Flow-cytometric analysis of hemocytes from eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, subjected to a sudden, sudden temperature elevation: II. Hemocyte functions: aggregation, viability, phagocytosis and respiratory burst. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 293, 249-265.


3. Hégaret, H., Wikfors, G.H., Soudant, P., Delaporte, M., Alix, J.H., Smith, B.C., Dixon, M.S., Quére, C., Le Coz, J.R., Paillard, C., Moal, J. and Samain, J.-F., 2004. Immunological competence of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, fed different microalgal diets and challenged with a temperature elevation. Aquaculture, 234, 541-560.


4. Hégaret, H., and Wikfors, G.H., 2005. Time-dependent changes in hemocytes of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, and northern bay scallops, Argopecten irradians irradians, exposed to a cultured strain of Prorocentrum minimum. Harmful Algae, 4 (2), 187-199.

5. Hégaret, H., and Wikfors, G.H., 2005. Effects of natural and field-simulated blooms of the dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum upon hemocytes of eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, from two different populations. Harmful Algae, 4 (2), 201-209.


6. Buggé, D.M., Hégaret, H., Wikfors, G.H., and Allam, B., 2007. Oxidative burst in hard clam (Mercenaria mercenaria) haemocytes. Fish and Shellfish Immunology, 23: 188-196.

7. Hégaret, H., Wikfors, G.H., Soudant, P., Lambert, C., Shumway, S. E., Bérard, J.B., and Lassus, P., 2007. Toxic dinoflagellates (Alexandrium fundyense and A. catenella) have minimal apparent effect on oyster hemocytes. Marine Biology 152(2), 441-447.

8. Hégaret, H., Wikfors, G.H. and Shumway, S. E., 2007. Feeding behavior of five species of bivalve mollusc exposed to three species of harmful algae. Journal of Shellfish Research 24(2) 549-559

9. Hégaret, H., da Silva P. M., Wikfors, G.H., Lambert, C., De Bettignies, T., Shumway, S. E. and Soudant, P., 2007. Hemocyte responses of Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, with varying parasite, Perkinsus olseni, severity to toxic-algal exposures. Aquatic toxicology 84: 269-279.


10. da Silva P. M., Hégaret, H., Lambert, C., Wikfors, G.H., Le Goïc, N., Shumway, S. E. and Soudant, P., 2008. Immunological responses of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) with varying parasite (Perkinsus olseni) burden, during a long term exposure to the harmful alga, Karenia selliformis and possible interactions. Toxicon 51(4), 563-573.

11. Hégaret, H., Shumway, S. E., Wikfors, G.H., Pate, S., and Burkholder, J.A.M. (2008). Potential transport of harmful algae through relocation of bivalve molluscs. Marine Ecology Progress Series 361: 169-179.

12 Galimany, E., Sunila, I., Hégaret, H., Ramón, M., Wikfors, G.H. (2008). Pathology and immune response of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis L.) after an exposure to the harmful dinoflagellate Prorocentrum minimum. Harmful Algae 7: 630-638.

13. Galimany, E., Sunila, I., Hégaret, H., Ramón, M., Wikfors, G.H. (2008). Experimental exposure of the blue mussel (Mytilus edulis, L.) to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense: histopathology, immune responses, and recovery. Harmful Algae 7: 702-711.


14. Hégaret, H., da Silva P. M., Sunila, I., Shumway, S. E., Dixon, M.S., Alix, J.H., Wikfors, G.H. and Soudant, P., (2009). Perkinsosis in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum affects responses to the harmful-alga, Prorocentrum minimum. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 371:112-120.


15. May, S.P., Burkholder, J.A.M., Shumway, S. E., Wikfors, G.H., Frank, D., Hsia, M., Hégaret, H. Dorch Q. (2010). Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium monilatum on survival, grazing and behavioral response of three ecologically important shellfish species. Harmful Algae 9:281-293.

16. Hégaret H, Smolowitz RM, Sunila I, Shumway SE, Alix JH, Dixon MS, Wikfors GH. (2010). Combined effects of a parasite, QPX, and the harmful-alga, Prorocentrum minimum on northern quahogs, Mercenaria mercenaria. Mar. Environ. Res. 69:337-344.


17. Hégaret, H., da Silva P. M., Wikfors, G.H., Haberkorn, H., Shumway, S. E., Soudant, P., (2011). In vitro interactions between several species of harmful algae and haemocytes of bivalve molluscs. Cell Biology and Toxicology 27 4 249-266

18. Haberkorn, H. , Hégaret, H., Marie, D., Lambert, C., Soudant, P. (2011) Flow cytometric measurements of cellular responses in a toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium minutum upon exposure to thermal, chemical and mechanical stresses. Harmful Algae 10: 463-471.

19. Lelong, A., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2011) Cell-based measurements to assess physiological status of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, a toxic diatom. Research in Microbiology 162: 969-981.

20. Lelong, A., Haberkorn, H., Le Goïc, N., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2011) Allelopathic effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum upon the diatom Chaetoceros neogracile revealed by flow-cytometric and photosynthetic-performance analysis. Microbial Ecology 62(4): 919-930.


21. Lelong, A., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P., Bates, S.S. (2012). Pseudo-nitzschia (Bacillariophyceae) species, domoic acid and amnesic shellfish poisoning: revisiting previous paradigms. Phycologia 51: 168–216.

22. Hégaret, H., Brokordt, K.B., Gaymer, C.F., Lorhmann, K.L., García, C., Varela, D. (2012) Effects of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella on histopathogical and escape responses of the Northern scallop Argopecten purpuratus. Harmful Algae 18:74-83.

23. Lelong A., Jolley D., Hégaret H., Soudant P. (2012). The effects of copper toxicity on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. physiology and domoic acid production. Aquatic Toxicology. 118– 119 :37–47


24. Lelong A., Bucciarelli E., Hégaret H., Soudant P. (2013) Iron and copper limitations differently affect growth rates, photosynthetic and physiological parameters of the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima. Limnology and Oceanography, 58(2), 613-623.

25. Mello, D. F.; da Silva, P.M. Barracco, M.A.; Soudant, P. & Hégaret, H. (2013) Immunomodulation and gene expression of Crassostrea gigas hemocytes in response to saxitoxin and it producer, the toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium minutum. Harmful Algae 26, 45-51.

26. Queiroga, F.R., Marques-Santos, L.F., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P., Dantas Farias, N., Schlindwein, A.D., da Silva, P.M. (2013) Immunological responses of the mangrove oysters Crassostrea gasar naturally infected by Perkinsus sp. in the Mamanguape Estuary, Paraíba State (Northeastern, Brazil). Fish and Shellfish Immunology 35(2), 319-327

27. Le Goïc N., Hégaret, H., Fabioux, C, Miner, P., Suquet, M., Lambert, C., Soudant, P. (2013) Cellular changes of spermatozoa stripped from oyster C. gigas broodstock exposed to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Aquatic Living Resources 26, 221-228.

28. Núñez-Acuña, G., Aballay, A.E., Hégaret, H., Astuya, A.P., Gallardo-Escárate, C. (2013) Transcriptional responses of Mytilus galloprovincialis exposed in vivo to Saxitoxin (STX). Journal of Molluscan Studies. 79:323-331.

29. Donaghy, L., Artigaud, L., Sussarellu, R., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, N., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2013) Tolerance of bivalve mollusc hemocytes to variable oxygen availability: a 1 mitochondrial origin? Aquatic Living Resources, 26(3): 257-261.


30. Lelong A., Hégaret H., Soudant P. (2014) Link between domoic acid production and cell physiology after exchange of bacterial communities between toxic Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and non-toxic Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima. Marine Drugs 12(6), 3587-3607

31. Lassudrie, M., Soudant, P., Richard, G., Henry, N., Medhioub, W., da Silva, P.M., Donval, A., Bunel, M., Le Goïc, N., Lambert, C., de Montaudouin, X., Fabioux, C.†, Hégaret, H.†. (2014) Physiological responses of Manila clams Venerupis (=Ruditapes) philippinarum 1 with varying parasite Perkinsus olseni burden to toxic algal Alexandrium ostenfeldii exposure. Aquatic toxicology 154, 27-38

32. Le Goïc N., Hégaret, H., Boulais, M., Béguel, J.P., Lambert, C., Fabioux, C, Soudant, P. (2014) Flow cytometry to assess morphology, viability and production of oxygen reactive species of Crassostrea gigas oocytes. Application to toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum exposure. Cytometry Part A85, 1049-1056.


33. Tran D., Ciutat A., Mat A., Massabuau JC, Hégaret H., Lambert C., Le Goîc N., Soudant P. (2015) The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum disrupts daily rhythmicactivities at gene transcription, physiological and behavioral levels inthe oyster Crassostrea gigas Aquatic Toxicology 158 (2015) 41–49

34. Neves, R.A.F., Valentin, J.L., Figueiredo, G.M., Hégaret, H. (2015) Responses of the common periwinkle Littorina littorea to a short term exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. Journal of Molluscan Studies doi:10.1093/mollus/eyu092

35. Neves, R.A.F., Figueiredo, G.M., Valentin, J.L., da Silva, P.M., Hégaret, H. (2015) Immunological and physiological responses of the periwinkle Littorina littorea during and after exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum. Aquatic Toxicology 160, 96-105.

36. Lassudrie, M., Wikfors, G.H. , Sunila, I., Alix, J.H., Dixon, M.S., Combot, D., Soudant, P., Fabioux, C., Hégaret, H. (2015) Physiological and pathological changes in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica infested with the trematode Bucephalus sp. and exposed to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 126, 51-63. doi:10.1016/j.jip.2015.01.011

37. Astuya, A., Carrera, C., Ulloa, V., Aballay, A., Nuñez-Acuña, G., Hégaret, H., Gallardo-Escárate, C. (2015) Saxitoxin modulates immunological parameters and gene transcription in Mytilus chilensis hemocytes. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16: 15235-15250.

38. Lassudrie, M., Soudant, P., Nicolas, J.L, Fabioux, C., Lambert, C., Miner, P., Le Grand, J., Petton, B., Hégaret, H. (2015) Interaction between toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella exposure and disease associated with herpesvirus OsHV-1 in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas Harmful Algae 45: 53-61.

39. Fabioux, C, Sulistiyani, Y., Haberkorn, H., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2015) Exposure to toxic Alexandrium minutum activates the antioxidant and detoxifying systems of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Harmful Algae 48: 55–62.

40. de Montaudouin, X., Lucia M., Binias C., Lassudrie M., Baudrimont M., Legeay A., Raymond N., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lambert C., Le Goïc N., Garabetian F., Gonzalez P., Hégaret H., Lassus P., Mehdioub W., Bourasseau L., Daffe G., Paul-Pont I., Plus M., Do V.T., Meisterhans G., Mesmer-Dudons N., Caill-Milly N., Sanchez F., Soudant P. (accepted) Why is Asari ( = Manila) clam Ruditapes philippinarum fitness poor in Arcachon Bay: a meta-analysis to answer? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science


41. Hermabessiere, L., Fabioux, C.,Lassudrie, M., Boullot, F., Long, M., Lambert,C., Le Goïc, N., Gouriou, J., Le Gac, M., Chapelle, A., Soudant, P., Hégaret, H. (2016) Influence of gametogenesis pattern and sex on paralytic shellfish toxin levels in triploid Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to a natural bloom of Alexandrium minutum. Aquaculture 455 : 118–124

42. Lassudrie, M., Soudant, P., Nicolas, J.L, Miner, Le Grand, J., P., Lambert, C., Le Goïc N., Hégaret, H., Fabioux, C., ( 2016) Exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella modulates juvenile oyster Crassostrea gigas hemocyte variables subjected to different biotic conditions Fish and Shellfish Immunology 51: 104-115.

43. González Fernández, C., Lacroix, C., Paul-Pont, I., Legrand, F., Albentosa, M., Bellas, J., Vinas, L., Campilo, J.A., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2016). Effect of diet quality on mussel biomarker responses to pollutants. Aquatic Toxicology 177: 211-225

44. Rolton, A., Vignier, J., Volety, A.K., Pierce, R.H., Henry, M., Shumway, S.E., Bricelj, V.M., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2016). Effects of field and laboratory exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis on the reproduction of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, and subsequent development of offspring Harmful Algae 57:13-26

45. Coquereau, L, Jolivet, A., Hégaret, H., Chauvaud, L. (2016) Short-term behavioural responses of the great scallop Pecten maximus exposed to the toxic algal Alexandrium minutum measured by accelerometry and passive acoustics. PlosONE 11(8): e0160935. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0160935

46. Paul-Pont, I., Lacroix,C., González Fernández, C., Hégaret, H., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, N., Frère, L., Cassone, A.L., Sussarellu, R., Fabioux, C., Guyomarch, J., Albentosa, M., Huvet, H., Soudant, P. (2016). Exposure of marine mussels Mytilus spp. to polystyrene microplastics: Toxicity and influence on fluoranthene bioaccumulation. Environmental Pollution 216 :724-737


47. Boullot, F., Castrec, J., Bidault, A., Dantas, N., Payton, L., Perrigault, M., Tran, D., Amzil, Z., Boudry, P., Soudant, P., Hégaret H., Fabioux C. (2017) Molecular characterization of voltage-gated sodium channels and their expression in PST-exposed Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas Marine Drugs 15(1), 21; doi:10.3390/md15010021

48. Borcier, E., Morvezen, R., Boudry, P., Miner, P., Charrier, G., Laroche, J., Hégaret, H. (2017) Effects of bioactive extracellular compounds and paralytic shellfish toxins produced by Alexandrium minutum on growth and behaviour of juvenile great scallops Pecten maximus. Aquatic Toxicology 184 : 142–154

49. Queiroga F.R., Marques-Santos, L. F., Hégaret, H., Sassi, R., Dantas Farias, N., Santana L.N., da Silva, P.M. (2017) Effects of intact cyanobacteria Synechocystis spp. and their extracellular products in haemocytes of oysters Crassostrea gasar and trophozoites of Perkinsus marinus parasite Aquatic Toxicology 187 : 100-107

50. Long, M., Paul-Pont, I., Hégaret, H., Moriceau, B., Lambert, C., Huvet, H., Soudant, P. (2017). Interactions between polystyrene microplastics and phytoplankton lead to species-specific hetero-aggregation. Environmental Pollution 228: 454-463

51. Payton, L., Perrigault, M., Hoede, M., Massabuau, J.C., Sow, M., Huvet, A., Boullot, F., Fabioux, C., Hégaret, H., Tran, D. (2017) Remodeling of the cycling transcriptome of the oyster Crassostrea gigas by the harmful algae Alexandrium minutum. Scientific Reports 7: 3480 DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-03797-4

52. Marques-Santos, L.F., Hégaret, H., Lima Santos, L., Ramos Queiroga, F., da Silva, P.M. (2017) ABCB1 and ABCC1-like transporters in immune system cells from sea urchins Echinometra lucunter and Echinus esculentus and oysters Crassostrea gasar and Crassostrea gigas. Fish & Shellfish Immunology 70 : 195-203.


50. Pousse, E., Flye-Sainte-Marie, J., Alunno-Bruscia, M., Hégaret, H., Jean, F. (2018) Sources of paralytic shellfish toxin accumulation variability in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Toxicon 144:14-22 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.toxicon.2017.12.050

51. Siano, R.; Chapelle, A.; Antoine, V.; Chauvin, J.; Rigaut-Jalabert, F.; Guillou, L.; Hégaret, H.; Leynaert, A.; Curd, A. (2018). Citizen participation in monitoring phytoplankton seawater discolorations". Marine Policy http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.01.022

52. Castrec J., Soudant P., Payton L., Tran D., Long M., Miner P., Lambert C., Le Goïc N., Huvet A., Quillien V., Boullot F., Zouher A., Fabioux C, Hégaret H. (2018) Bioactive extracellular compounds produced by the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum are highly detrimental for oysters Aquatic Toxicology 199: 188-198 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.03.034

53.Mat, A.M, Klopp, C., Payton, L., Jeziorski, C., Chalopin, M., Amzil, Z., Tran, D., Wikfors, G.H., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P., Huvet, A., Fabioux, C. (2018) Oyster transcriptome response to Alexandrium exposure is related to saxitoxin load and characterized by disrupted digestion, energy balance, and calcium and sodium signaling. Aquatic Toxicology 199:127-137 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2018.03.030

54. Petraglia Sassi P.G., Dantas Calixto, C., Tibúrcio, V.P., da Silva Nonato, N., Abrahão, R., Hégaret, H., da Costa Sassi, C.F., Sassi, R. (2018) Effectiveness of nutrient remotion and cell physiology of Amphora sp cultured in shrimp farm effluents. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25 (18) : 17920–17926 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-2011-5

55. Long, M., Tallec, K., Soudant, P., Lambert, C., Le Grand, F., Sarthou, G., Jolley, D., Hégaret, H. (2018) A rapid quantitative fluorescence-based bioassay to study allelopathy from Alexandrium sp. Accepted Environmental Pollution. 242: 1598-1605 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.07.119

56. Long, M., Tallec, K., Soudant, P., Lambert, C., Le Grand, F., Donval, A., Sarthou, G., Jolley, D., Hégaret, H. (2018) Allelochemicals from Alexandrium minutum induce rapid inhibition of metabolism and modify the membranes from Chaetoceros muelleri. Algal Research. 35: 508-518 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.algal.2018.09.023

57. da Silva, P.M., Dantas Farias, N., Queiroga F.R., Hégaret, H., Sassi, R., Soudant P., (2018). A case of disseminated neoplasia in cultured oysters Crassostrea gasar from northeast Brazil. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jip.2018.11.001


59. Pousse, E., Flye-Sainte-Marie, J., Alunno-Bruscia, M., Hégaret, H., Rannou, E., Pecquerie, L., Marques, G., Thomas, Y., Castrec, J., Fabioux, C., Long, M., Lassudrie, M., Hermabessière, L., Amzil, Z., Soudant, P., Jean., F. (2018) Modelling paralytic shellfish toxins (PST) accumulation inCrassostrea gigasby using Dynamic Energy Budgets (DEB). Journal of Sea Research. 143:152-164. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seares.2018.09.002; hal-02114653⟩

60. Castrec J., Hégaret H., Alunno-Bruscia, M., Picard, M., Soudant P., Petton, B., Boulais, M., Suquet, M., Quéau, I., Ratiskol D., Foulon V., Le Goïc N., Fabioux C. (2019) The dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum affects development of the oyster Crassostrea gigas, through parental or direct exposure. Environmental Pollution 246: 827-836
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.11.084, ⟨hal-02324570⟩

61. Long, M., Holland, A., Planquette, H., Santana, D.G., Whitby, H., Soudant, P., Sarthou, G., Hégaret, H., Jolley, D. (2019) A multi-traits approach reveals the effects of Cu on the physiology of a lytic strain of Alexandrium minutum. Aquatic Toxicology 210: 251–261 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2019.03.006, hal-02323399⟩


62. Castrec, J., Hégaret, H., Huber, M., Le Grand, J., Huvet, A., Tallec, K., Boulais, M., Soudant, P., Fabioux, C. (2020) The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum impairs the performance of oyster embryos and larvae. Harmful Algae, 92, 101744 (9p.). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2020.101744, hal-02879884)

63. Gaillard S., Charrier A., Malo F., Carpentier L., Bougaran G., Hégaret H., Réveillon D., Hess P., Séchet V. (2020). Combined effects of temperature, irradiance and pH on Teleaulax amphioxeia (Cryptophycae) physiology and feeding ratio for its predator Mesodinium rubrum (Ciliophora). Journal of Phycology. 56(3):775-783. https://doi.org/10.1111/jpy.12977, hal-02880016)

64. Lassudrie M., Hégaret H., Wikfors GH, da Silva PM (2020) Effects of marine Harmful Algal Blooms on bivalve cellular immunity and infectious diseases: a review. Developmental and Comparative Immunology 108: 103660 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.dci.2020.103660, hal-02880026)

65. Gaillard S., Le Goïc N., Malo F., Boulais M., Fabioux C., Zaccagnini L., Carpentier L., Sibat M., Réveillon D., Séchet V., Hess P., Hégaret H. (2020). Cultures of Dinophysis sacculus, D. acuminata and pectenotoxin 2 affect gametes and fertilization success of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Env. Poll. 265 (B):114840 10.1016/j.envpol.2020.114840, hal-02880050)



66. Long, M., Peltekis, A., González-Fernández, C., Hégaret, H., Bailleul, B. (2021) Allelochemicals of Alexandrium minutum: Kinetics of membrane disruption and photosynthesis inhibition in a co-occurring diatom. Harmful Algae, 103:101997. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2021.101997, ⟨hal-03162016⟩

67. Gaillard S., Réveillon D., Danthu, C., Hervé, F., Sibat, M., Carpentier L., Hégaret H., Séchet V., Hess P. (2021) Effect of a 24 h salinity stress on the growth, biovolume, toxins, osmolytes and metabolite profiles on three strains of the Dinophysis acuminata-complex ("D. sacculus") Harmful Algae. 107:102009 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2021.102009

68. Castrec, J., Fabioux, C., Le Goïc, N., Boulais, M., Soudant, P., Hégaret, H. (2021). The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum affects oyster gamete health and fertilization potential. Marine Environmental research, 169: 105401 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marenvres.2021.105401

69. Boullot Floriane, Fabioux Caroline, Hégaret Helene, Boudry Pierre, Soudant Philippe, Benoit Evelyne (2021). Electrophysiological Evaluation of Pacific Oyster (Crassostrea gigas) Sensitivity to Saxitoxin and Tetrodotoxin. Marine Drugs, 19(7), 380 (17p.). https://doi.org/10.3390/md19070380 , https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00704/81561/

70. Sauvey A., Denis F., Hégaret H., Le Roy B., Lelong C., Jolly O., Pavie M., Fauchot J. (2021) Interactions between filter-feeding bivalves and toxic diatoms: influence on the feeding behavior of Crassostrea gigas and Pecten maximus and on toxin production by Pseudo-nitzschia. Toxins, 13, 577. https://doi.org/10.3390/toxins13080577, ⟨hal-03423356⟩

71. Faustino, L.S., Queiroga, F.R., Hégaret, H., Marques-Santos, L.F., d, Neves R. A.F., Nascimento, S. , da Silva, P.M. 2021 Effects of the toxic dinoflagellates Prorocentrum lima and Ostreopsis cf. ovata on immune responses of cultured oysters Crassostrea gasar. Aquatic Toxicology 236 (2021) 105846. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2021.105846


72. Garcia-Corona, J., Hégaret, H., Deléglise, M., Marzari, A., Rodriguez-Jaramillo, C., Foulon, V., Fabioux,C. 2022 First subcellular localization of the amnesic shellfish toxin, domoic acid, in bivalve tissues: Deciphering the physiological mechanisms involved in its long-retention in the king scallop Pecten Maximus, Harmful Algae, 116 : 102251 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2022.102251); ⟨hal-03814644⟩

73. Even, Y., Pousse, E., Chapperon, C., Artigaud, S., Hégaret, H., Bernay, B., Pichereau, V., Flye-Sainte-Marie, J., Jean, F. 2022 Physiological and comparative proteomic analyzes reveal immune defense response of the king scallop Pecten maximus in presence of paralytic shellfish toxin (PST) from Alexandrium minutum Harmful Algae, 115 :102231 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.hal.2022.102231); (hal-03723474)

74. Mary, L., Quere, J., Latimier, M., Rovillon, G.A., Hégaret, H., Réveillon, D., Le Gac, M. 2022. Genetic association of toxin production in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum Microbial Genomics 8(11), 000879 (17p.). https://doi.org/10.1099/mgen.0.000879; Open Access version : https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00801/91345/


75. Gaillard, S., Mason, P.L., Ayache, N., Sanderson, M., Smith, J. L., Giddings, S., McCarron, P., Séchet, V., Hégaret, H., Réveillon, D., Hess, P., Vogelbein, W. K., 2023. Mortality and histopathological of Sheepshead minnow (Cyprinodon variegatus) larvae exposed to pectenotoxin 2 and Dinophysis acuminata. Aquatic Toxicology 257 : 106456 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2023.106456, https://hal.science/hal-04254816

76. Freire, J.M., Dantas Farias, N., Hégaret, H., da Silva, P.M. 2023. Morphological and functional characterization of the oyster Crassostrea gasar circulating hemocytes: Cell types and phagocytosis activity Fish and Shellfish Immunology Reports 4 (2023) 100089 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fsirep.2023.100089, https://hal.science/hal-04254779

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