Maître de conférences
Etablissement : Université Bretagne Occidentale
Affectation de recherche : Géoarchi (Géoarchitecture. Conception, aménagement et gestion du cadre bâti et de l'environnement : doctrines et pratiques)
Equipe(s) :
Maître de conférences
Etablissement : Université Bretagne Occidentale
Affectation de recherche : Géoarchi (Géoarchitecture. Conception, aménagement et gestion du cadre bâti et de l'environnement : doctrines et pratiques)
Equipe(s) :
Pour la messagerie : pré
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Articles de revues à comité de lecture
- AL Meistertzheim, I. Calvès, V. Roussel, A. Van Wormhoudt, J. Laroche, S. Huchette, C. Paillard. 2014. New genetic markers to identify resistant abalone to vibriosis rvealed by high-resolution melting analysis, a sensitive and fast approach. Marine Biology. 161(8):1883-1893.
- V. Roussel, J. Charreyron, S. Labarre, A. Van Wormhoudt and S.Huchette. 2013. First steps on technological and genetic improvement of European abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) based on investigations in full-sib families. Open Journal of Genetics. 3, 224-233.
- B. Hornoy, A. Atlan, V. Roussel, Y. M. Buckley and M. Tarayre. 2013. Two colonisation stages generate two different patterns of genetic diversity within native and invasive ranges of Ulex europaeus. Heredity.
- L. G. Hemery, M. Eleaume, V. Roussel, N. Ameziane, C. Gallut, D. Steinke, C. Cruaud, A. Couloux and N. G. Wilson. 2012. Comprehensive sampling reveals circumpolarity and sympatry in seven mitochondrial lineages of the Southern Ocean crinoid species Promachocrinus kerguelensis (Echinodermata). Mol Ecol. 21(10):2502-18.
- L. Lévy-Hartmann, V. Roussel, Y. Letourneur and D. Sellos. 2011. Global and New Caledonian patterns of population genetic variation in the deep-sea splendid alfonsino, Beryx splendens, inferred from mtDNA. Genetica. 139(11-12):1349-1365.
- A. Van Wormhoudt, B. Gaume, Y. Bras, V. Roussel and S. Huchette. 2011. Two different and functional nuclear rDNA genes in the abalone Haliotis tuberculata: tissue differential expression. Genetica. 139(10):1217-1227.
- A. Van Wormhoudt, V. Roussel, G. Courtois and S. Huchette. 2011. Mitochondrial DNA Introgression in the European Abalone Haliotis tuberculata tuberculata: Evidence for Experimental mtDNA Paternal Inheritance and a Natural Hybrid Sequence. Marine Biotechnology. 13(3):563-574.
- H. Renault, V. Roussel, A. El Amrani, M. Arzel, D. Renault, A. Bouchereau and C. Deleu. 2010. The Arabidopsis pop2-1 mutant reveals the involvement of GABA transaminase in salt stress tolerance. BMC Plant Biology. 10(1):1-16.
- V. Roussel, S. Huchette and A. Van Wormhoudt. 2010. Isolation and characterization of eight microsatellite loci in the European abalone, Haliotis tuberculata. Mol Ecol Res. 10(751-754.
- F. Lazrek & V. Roussel, J. Ronfort, G. Cardinet, F. Chardon, M. Aouani and T. Huguet. 2009. The use of neutral and non-neutral SSRs to analyse the genetic structure of a Tunisian collection of Medicago truncatula lines and to reveal associations with eco-environmental variables. Genetica. 135(3):391-402.
- F. Balfourier, V. Roussel, P. Strelchenko, F. Exbrayat-Vinson, P. Sourdille, G. Boutet, J. Koenig, C. Ravel, O. Mitrofanova, M. Beckert and G. Charmet. 2007. A worldwide bread wheat core collection arrayed in a 384-well plate. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 114(7):1265-1275.
- V. Roussel, L. Leisova, F. Exbrayat, Z. Stehno and F. Balfourier. 2005. SSR allelic diversity changes in 480 European bread wheat varieties released from 1840 to 2000. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 111(1):162-170.
- V. Roussel, G. Branlard, J. Vézine, D. Bertrand and F. Balfourier. 2005. NIRS analysis reveals temporal trends in the chemical composition of French bread wheat accessions cultivated between 1800 and 2000. Journal of Cereal Science. 42(2):193-203.
- V. Roussel, J. Koenig, M. Beckert and F. Balfourier. 2004. Molecular diversity in French bread wheat accessions related to temporal trends and breeding programmes. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 108(5):920-930.
- V. Roussel, C. Gibelin, A. Fontaine and Y. Barriere. 2002. Genetic analysis in recombinant inbred lines of early dent forage maize. II. QTL mapping for cell wall constituents and cell wall digestibility from per se value and top cross experiments. Maydica. 47(1):9-20.
Communications orales avec actes dans des congrès internationaux
- Roussel V., Huchette S. and van Wormhoudt A. Phylogeny and Genetic Resources of European Abalone (Haliotis tuberculata) 9th World Congress on Genetics applied to livestock production, Leipzig, August 1-6 2010.
- Roussel V. and Van Wormhoudt A. Atlantic abalone : species conservation and improvement. Biotechnological exploitation of Marine resources – ESMB Conference – September 1-3 2009 – Concarneau, France
- Koenig, J., Vézine, J. C., Roussel, V., Balfourier, F. Building a small grains genetic resources centre at the INRA Clermont-Ferrand research unit. Report of a Cereals Network, First Meeting, 3-5 July 2003, Yerevan, Armenia
- Roussel, V., Koenig, J., Vézine, J.C., and Balfourier, F. Diversity evolution in a collection of French bread wheat accessions (Triticum aestivum) from the 19 to the 20 century. Proceedings of the 10 international wheat genetics symposium. 1-6 September 2003. Paestum, Italy.
Communications orales avec actes dans des congrès nationaux
- Barat M., Tarayre M., Atlan A., Roussel V. & Vernon P. Résistance au froid et spécialisation d'hôte chez des charançons séminivores. XVème Colloque de Physiologie de l'Insecte. Rennes, 9-11/07 2007
- Hornoy B.,Tarayre M., Roussel V. & Atlan A. Genetic diversity and evolutionary changes in the invasive plant Ulex europaeus. Evolutionary biology 2009: Phylogenetics, Speciation, Co-Evolution, Development, Genomes, Life Histories, Plasticity… What is new? Rennes, 8-12 juin 2009
- Hugues Renault, Valérie Roussel, Abdelhack El Amrani, Mathieu Arzel, Carole Deleu, Rennes. GABA Catabolism is involved in Arabidopsis thaliana Salt Tolerance. Third SMBBM international congress of biochemistry and molecular biology, IUBMB special meeting on plant stresses & 6th congress of FASBMB. A joint event. Marrakech 20-25 April 2009
- Hornoy B.,Tarayre M., Roussel V. & Atlan A.. Changements évolutifs et diversité génétique chez une espèce envahissante, l’ajonc d’Europe (Ulex europaeus L.). Le Réveil du Dodo III, Journées Francophones des Sciences de la Conservation de la Biodiversité. Montpellier, 17-19 mars 2009.
- Hugues Renault, Valérie Roussel, Abdelhak El Amrani, Matthieu Arzel, Alain Bouchereau and Carole Deleu. Functional analysis of GABA Transaminase (POP2) and its involvement in salt stress tolerance. Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerance, Vienna 8-11 February 2009
- Valérie Roussel. Constitution de core-collection(s) en vue d’accéder à la diversité allélique pour des gènes d’intérêt chez le blé tendre (T.aestivum). Doctoriales de Bretagne 2002, du 24 au 29 novembre, Lorient
- Yves Barrière, Chrystel Gibelin, Valérie Roussel, Anne Laperche, Anne-Sophie Fontaine. QTL analysis and mapping for cell wall digestibility, lignin and phenolic content in a RIL progeny of early dent forage maize. Journées IFR 24-25 octobre 2002, Poitiers.
- Yves Barrière, Anne Laperche, Valérie Roussel, Chrystel Gibelin. QTL mapping for cell wall constituents and digestibility traits in a RIL progeny of two early dent maize lines. Réseau Français des Parois 2002, May 29 - 30th Reims, France
- Yves Barrière, Chrystel Gibelin, Valérie Roussel, A-Sophie Fontaine, Virginie Carret. Efficiency of the computed cell wall digestibility criterion “DINAGZ“ in QTL analysis for feeding value traits of forage maize. 9th International Cell Wall Meeting 2001, Sept 2nd - 7th Toulouse, France