SOUDANT Philippe

Directeur de recherche
Responsable scientifique de la plateforme LIPIDOCEAN

Biologie marine
Etablissement : Institut Universitaire Européen de la Mer
Affectation de recherche : LEMAR (Laboratoire des sciences de l'environnement marin)

Equipe(s) : Interactions biotiques et variabilité environnementale
Pour la messagerie : pré
Tél.02 98 49 86 23

Page personnelle :

Book chapters

3 - Baztan, J., Jorgensen, B., Vanderlinden, J. P., Pahl, S., Thompson, R., Carrasco, A., Miguelez A., Huck T., Garrabou J., Broglio E., Chouinard O., Surette C. Soudant P., Huvet A., Galgani F., & Paul-Pont, I. 2015. Protected Shores Contaminated with Plastic: From Knowledge to Action. Coastal Zones. Solutions for the 21st Century. Ed. Baztan J., Chouinard O., Jorgensen B., Tett P., Vanderlinden J.-P., Vasseur L. ISBN: 978-0-12-802748-6
2- Lassus P., Bourdeau P., Marcaillou C. & Soudant P. 2014. Phycotoxins: Seafood contamination, detoxification and processing. In Toxins and biological active compounds from marine microalgae. Science Publisher CRC Press.
1- Soudant P., R. Leite, F.-L. Chu, A. Villalba & L. Cancela. 2008. Bivalves- Perkinsus spp. Interactions. In Analysis of the impact of Perkinsosis to the European Shellfish Industry. Ed. A. Villalba. Published by CETMAR, Vigo, Spain.

Publications with Reading Committee (130)

130 - McFarland, K., Soudant, P., Jean, F., & Volety, A. K. (2016). Reproductive strategy of the invasive green mussel may result in increased competition with native fauna in the southeastern United States. Aquatic Invasions (in press).
129 - Huvet, A., Paul-Pont, I., Fabioux, C., Lambert, C., Suquet, M., Thomas, Y., Robbens, J., Soudant, P., & Sussarellu, R. (2016). Reply to Lenz et al.: Quantifying the smallest microplastics is the challenge for a comprehensive view of their environmental impacts. PNAS, 201607221.
128 - Paul-Pont, I., Lacroix, C., Fernández, C. G., Hégaret, H., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, N., Frère L., Cassone A.-L., Fabioux C., Guyomarch, J., Albentosa, M., Huvet, A., Soudant, P. (2016). Exposure of marine mussels Mytilus spp. to polystyrene microplastics: Toxicity and influence on fluoranthene bioaccumulation. Environmental Pollution. (in press)
127 - González-Fernández, C., Lacroix, C., Paul-Pont, I., Le Grand, F., Albentosa, M., Bellas, J., Vinas, L., Campillo, J.A., Hégaret, H., & Soudant, P. (2016). Effect of diet quality on mussel biomarker responses to pollutants. Aquatic Toxicology. (in press)
126 - Moutel, B., Goncalves, O., Le Grand, F., Long, M., Soudant, P., Legrand, J., Grizeau D., & Pruvost, J. (2016). Development of a screening procedure for the characterization of Botryococcus braunii strains for biofuel application. Process Biochemistry (in press)
125 - Vignier, J., Soudant, P., Chu, F. L. E., Morris, J. M., Carney, M. W., Lay, C. R., Krasnec, M.O., Robert, R., & Volety, A. K. (2016). Lethal and sub-lethal effects of Deepwater Horizon slick oil and dispersant on oyster (Crassostrea virginica) larvae. Marine Environmental Research, 120, 20-31.
124 - Dehaut, A., Cassone, A. L., Frère, L., Hermabessiere, L., Himber, C., Rinnert, E. Rivière G., Lambert C., Soudant P., Huvet A., Duflos, G. Paul-Pont I. (2016). Microplastics in seafood: Benchmark protocol for their extraction and characterization. Environmental Pollution, 215, 223-233.
123 - Rolton, A., Vignier, J., Volety, A. K., Pierce, R. H., Henry, M., Shumway, S. E., Bricelj, M., Hégaret, H., & Soudant, P. (2016). Effects of field and laboratory exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Karenia brevis on the reproduction of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, and subsequent development of offspring. Harmful Algae, 57, 13-26.
122 - Lassudrie, M., Soudant, P., Nicolas, J. L., Miner, P., Le Grand, J., Lambert, C., Le Goïc N., Hégaret H. & Fabioux, C. (2016). Exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella modulates juvenile oyster Crassostrea gigas hemocyte variables subjected to different biotic conditions. Fish & shellfish immunology, 51, 104-115.
121- Volety, A., Boulais, M., Donaghy, L., Vignier, J., Loh, A. N., & Soudant, P. (2016). Application of Flow Cytometry to Assess Deepwater Horizon Oil Toxicity on the Eastern Oyster Crassostrea virginica Spermatozoa. Journal of Shellfish Research, 35(1), 91-99.
120- Sussarellu, R., Suquet, M., Thomas, Y., Lambert, C., Fabioux, C., Pernet, M. E. J., Le Goïc N., Quillien V., Mingant C., Epelboin Y., Corporeau C., Guyomarch J., Robbens J., Paul-Pont I., Soudant P., Huvet A. (2016). Oyster reproduction is affected by exposure to polystyrene microplastics. PNAS, 113(9), 2430-2435.
119- Hermabessiere, L., Fabioux, C., Lassudrie, M., Boullot, F., Long, M., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, Gouriou J., Le Gac M., Chapelle A., Soudant, P., Hégaret H. (2016). Influence of gametogenesis pattern and sex on paralytic shellfish toxin levels in triploid Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to a natural bloom of Alexandrium minutum. Aquaculture. 455, 118-124.
118- Lassudrie M. , Soudant P., Nicolas J.L., Le Grand J., Lambert C., Le Goïc N., Hégaret H.,& Fabioux C. (2016). Exposure to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella modulates juvenile oyster Crassostrea gigas hemocyte variables subjected to different biotic conditions. Fish and Shellfish Immnulogy, 51, 104-115.
117- de Montaudouin, X., Lucia M., Binias C., Lassudrie M., Baudrimont M., Legeay A., Raymond N., Jude-Lemeilleur F., Lambert C., Le Goïc N., Garabetian F., Gonzalez P., Hégaret H., Lassus P., Mehdioub W., Bourasseau L., Daffe G., Paul-Pont I., Plus M., Do V.T., Meisterhans G., Mesmer-Dudons N., Caill-Milly N., Sanchez F., Soudant P. (2016) Why is Asari ( = Manila) clam Ruditapes philippinarum fitness poor in Arcachon Bay: a meta-analysis to answer? Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 179, 226-235


116- Boulais, M., Soudant, P., Le Goïc, N., Quéré, C., Boudry, P., & Suquet, M. (2015). Involvement of Mitochondrial Activity and OXPHOS in ATP Synthesis During the Motility Phase of Spermatozoa in the Pacific Oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Biology of reproduction, DOI:10.1095/biolreprod.115.128538
115- Vignier, J., Donaghy, L., Soudant, P., Chu, F. L. E., Morris, J. M., Carney, M. W., Lay C., Krasnec M., Robert R., & Volety, A. K. (2015). Impacts of Deepwater Horizon oil and associated dispersant on early development of the Eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 100(1), 426-437).
114- Mazurais, D., Ernande, B., Quazuguel, P., Severe, A., Huelvan, C., Madec, L., Mouchel O., Soudant P., Robbens J., Huvet A. & Zambonino-Infante, J. (2015). Evaluation of the impact of polyethylene microbeads ingestion in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) larvae. Marine Environmental Research. 112 (A): 78-85
113- Fabioux, C, Sulistiyani, Y., Haberkorn, H., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P. (2015) Exposure to toxic Alexandrium minutum activates the antioxidant and detoxifying systems of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Harmful Algae 48: 55–62.
112- Long, M., Moriceau, B., Gallinari, M., Lambert, C., Huvet, A., Raffray, J., & Soudant, P. (2015). Interactions between microplastics and phytoplankton aggregates: Impact on their respective fates. Marine Chemistry, 175, 39-46.
111- Lassudrie, M., Wikfors, G. H., Sunila, I., Alix, J. H., Dixon, M. S., Combot, D., Soudant P., Fabioux C., & Hégaret, H. (2015). Physiological and pathological changes in the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica infested with the trematode Bucephalus sp. and exposed to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium fundyense. Journal of invertebrate pathology, 126, 51-63.
110- Lassudrie, M., Soudant, P., Nicolas, J. L., Fabioux, C., Lambert, C., Miner, P., Legrand J., Petton B. & Hégaret, H. (2015). Interaction between toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella exposure and disease associated with herpesvirus OsHV-1μVar in Pacific oyster spat Crassostrea gigas. Harmful Algae, 45, 53-61.
109- da Costa, F., Robert, R., Quéré, C., Wikfors, G. H., & Soudant, P. (2015). Essential Fatty Acid Assimilation and Synthesis in Larvae of the Bivalve Crassostrea gigas. Lipids, 50(5), 503-511.
108- Rolton, A., Soudant, P., Vignier, J., Pierce, R., Henry, M., Shumway, S. E., Bricelj M. & Volety, A. K. (2015). Susceptibility of gametes and embryos of the eastern oyster, Crassostrea virginica, to Karenia brevis and its toxins. Toxicon, 99, 6-15.
107- Dudognon, T., Guderley, H., Quere, C., Soudant, P., Racotta, I. S., & Kraffe, E. (2015). Laboratory conditioning modifies properties of gills mitochondria from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. Marine Biology, 162(5), 1033-1045.
106- McFarland, K., Jean, F., Soudant, P., & Volety, A. K. (2015). Uptake and elimination of brevetoxin in the invasive green mussel, Perna viridis, during natural Karenia brevis blooms in southwest Florida. Toxicon, 97, 46-52.
105- da Costa, F., Petton, B., Mingant, C., Bougaran, G., Rouxel, C., Quéré, C., Wikfors G.H., Soudant P. & Robert, R. 2015. Influence of one selected Tisochrysis lutea strain rich in lipids on Crassostrea gigas larval development and biochemical composition. Aquaculture Nutrition. doi/10.1111/anu.12301.
104- Tran D., Ciutat A., Mat A., Massabuau JC, Hégaret H., Lambert C., Le Goïc N., Soudant P. 2015. The toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum disrupts daily rhythmic activities at gene transcription, physiological and behavioral levels in the oyster Crassostrea gigas Aquatic Toxicology 158 41–49


103- Le Goïc N., Hégaret, H., Boulais, M., Béguel, J.P., Lambert, C., Fabioux, C, Soudant, P. 2014. Flow cytometry to assess morphology, viability and production of oxygen reactive species of Crassostrea gigas oocytes. Application to toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum exposure. Cytometry Part A85, 1049-1056.
102- Rolton, A., Vignier, J., Soudant, P., Shumway, S. E., Bricelj, V. M., & Volety, A. K. 2014. Effects of the red tide dinoflagellate, Karenia brevis, on early development of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica and northern quahog Mercenaria mercenaria. Aquatic Toxicology, 155, 199-206.
101- Lelong A., Hégaret H., Soudant P. 2014. Link between domoic acid production and cell physiology after exchange of bacterial communities between toxic Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries and non-toxic Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima. Marine Drugs 12(6), 3587-3607
100- Lassudrie, M., Soudant, P., Richard, G., Henry, N., Medhioub, W., da Silva, P.M., Donval, A., Bunel, M., Le Goïc, N., Lambert, C., de Montaudouin, X., Fabioux, C.†, Hégaret, H.†. 2014. Physiological responses of Manila clams Venerupis (=Ruditapes) philippinarum with varying parasite Perkinsus olseni burden to toxic algal Alexandrium ostenfeldii exposure. Aquatic toxicology 154, 27-38
99- Haberkorn, H., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, N., Quéré, C., Bruneau, A., Riso, R., Auffret M. & Soudant, P. 2014. Cellular and biochemical responses of the oyster Crassostrea gigas to controlled exposures to metals and Alexandrium minutum. Aquatic Toxicology, 147, 158-167.
98- Le Grand, F., Soudant, P., Siah, A., Tremblay, R., Marty, Y., & Kraffe, E. 2014. Disseminated Neoplasia in the Soft-Shell Clam Mya arenaria: Membrane Lipid Composition and Functional Parameters of Circulating Cells. Lipids, 49(8), 807-818.
97- Dudognon, T., Lambert, C., Quere, C., Auffret, M., Soudant, P., & Kraffe, E. 2014. Mitochondrial activity, hemocyte parameters and lipid composition modulation by dietary conditioning in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. J. Comp.Physiol. B, 184(3), 303-317.


96- Dang C., de Montaudouin X., Binias C., Salvo F., Caill-Milly N., Bald J., Soudant P. 2013. Correlation between perkinsosis and growth in clams Ruditapes spp. Dis. Aquat. Org. 106, 255-265
95- Soudant, P., Chu, F. L., & Volety, A. 2013. Host-Parasite Interactions: Marine Bivalve Molluscs and Protozoan parasites, Perkinsus species. . J. Invertebr. Pathol. 114(2), 196–216
94- Mello, D. F., Silva, P. M. D., Barracco, M. A., Soudant, P., & Hégaret, H. 2013. Effects of the dinoflagellate Alexandrium minutum and its toxin (saxitoxin) on the functional activity and gene expression of Crassostrea gigas hemocytes. Harmful Algae. 26, 45–51
93- Queiroga, F. R., Marques-Santos, L. F., Hégaret, H., Soudant, P., Farias, N. D., Schlindwein, A. D., & Mirella da Silva, P. 2013. Immunological responses of the mangrove oysters Crassostrea gasar naturally infected by Perkinsus sp. in the Mamanguape Estuary, Paraíba State (Northeastern, Brazil). Fish Shellfish Immunol. 35(2), 319–327
92- Donaghy, L., Artigaud, S., Sussarellu, R., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, N., Hégaret, H., & Soudant, P. 2013. Tolerance of bivalve mollusc hemocytes to variable oxygen availability: a mitochondrial origin?. Aquat. Living Resour. 26, 257–261.
91- Le Grand, F., Soudant, P., Marty, Y., Le Goïc, N., & Kraffe, E. 2013. Altered membrane lipid composition and functional parameters of circulating cells in cockles (Cerastoderma edule) affected by disseminated neoplasia. Chem. Phys. Lipids, 167, 9-20.
90- Díaz, S., Villalba, A., Insua, A., Soudant, P., Fernández-Tajes, J., Méndez, J., & Carballal, M. J. 2013. Disseminated neoplasia causes changes in ploidy and apoptosis frequency in cockles Cerastoderma edule. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 113(3), 214–219
89- Sussarellu, R., Dudognon, T., Fabioux, C., Soudant, P., Moraga, D., & Kraffe, E. 2013. Rapid mitochondrial adjustments in response to short-term hypoxia and re-oxygenation in the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. J. Exp. Biol. 216(9), 1561-1569.
88- Dudognon, T., Soudant, P., Seguineau, C., Quéré, C., Auffret, M., & Kraffe, E. 2013. Functional capacities of gill mitochondria in oyster Crassostrea gigas during an emersion/immersion tidal cycle. Aquat. Living Resour. 26, 249–256
87- Le Goïc, N., Hégaret, H., Fabioux, C., Miner, P., Suquet, M., Lambert, C., & Soudant, P. Impact of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella on Pacific oyster reproductive output: application of flow cytometry assays on spermatozoa. Aquat. Living Resour. 26, 221–228
86- Lelong A., E.Bucciarelli, H. Hégaret, P. Soudant. 2013. Iron and copper limitations differently affect growth rates, photosynthetic and physiological parameters of the marine diatom Pseudo-nitzschia delicatissima. Limnol. Oceanogr. 58(2), 613-623.


85- Donaghy L. E. Kraffe, N. Le Goïc, C. Lambert, A. K. Volety, P. Soudant. 2012. Reactive Oxygen Species in Unstimulated Hemocytes of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas: A Mitochondrial Involvement. PLOS one 7 (10), 1-10.
84- Medhioub W., Lassus P., Truquet P., Bardouil M., Amzil Z., Sechet V., Sibat M., & Soudant P. 2012. Spirolide uptake and detoxification by Crassostrea gigas exposed to the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii. Aquaculture, 358-359, 108-115.
83- Hurtado M.A., Racotta I.S., Arcos F., Morales-Bojorquez E., Moal J., Soudant P., & Palacios E., 2012. Seasonal variations of biochemical, pigment, fatty acid, and sterol compositions in female Crassostrea corteziensis oysters in relation to the reproductive cycle. Comp. Biochem. Phsyiol. B. , 163(2), 172-183.
82- Guéguen M., Baron R., Bardouil M., Haberkorn H., Soudant P., Truquet P., Lassus P. 2012. Influence of Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg) sexual maturation stage and ploidy on uptake of paralytic phycotoxins. Toxicon, 60(1), 40–43
81- Lelong A., Jolley D.F., Soudant P., & Hegaret H. 2012. Impact of copper exposure on Pseudo-nitzschia spp. physiology and domoic acid production. Aquatic Toxicology, 118-119, 37-47.
80- Lelong A., Hégaret H., Soudant P., Bates S.S. 2012. Pseudo-nitzschia species, domoic acid and amnesic shellfish poisoning: revisiting previous paradigms. Phycologia, 51(2), 168-216
79- Sussarellu R., Fabioux C., Le Goic N., Lambert C., Soudant P., Moraga D. 2012. Response to short-term oxygen variation in the pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 412, 87–95.


78- Dang, C., Lambert, C., Soudant, P., Delamare-Deboutteville, J., Zhang, M., Chan, J., Green, T., Le Goïc, N. & Barnes, A. 2011. Immune parameters of QX-resistant and wild caught Saccostrea glomerata hemocytes in relation to Marteilia sydneyi infection. Fish and Shellfish Immunol. 31, 1034-1040.
77- Hurtado M.Á., da Silva P.M, Le Goïc N., Palacios E. & Soudant P. 2011. Effect of acclimatization on hemocyte functional characteristics of the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and carpet shell clam (Ruditapes decussatus). Fish and Shellfish Immunol. 31, 978-984.
76- Le Grand F., Kraffe E., Marty Y., Donaghy L., Soudant P. 2011. Membrane phospholipid composition of hemocytes in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Comp. Biochem. and Physiol. (Part A), 159, 383-391.
75- Medhioub, W., Séchet, V., Truquet, P., Bardouil, M., Amzil, Z., Lassus, P., Soudant P. 2011. Alexandrium ostenfeldii growth and spirolides production in batch and photobioreactor cultures. Harmful Algae 10, 794-803.
74- Lelong A., Hégaret H., Soudant P. 2011. Cell-based measurements to assess physiological status of Pseudo-nitzschia multiseries, a toxic diatom. Research in Microbiology 162, 969-981.
73- Lelong A., Haberkorn H., Le Goic N., Hégaret H., Soudant P. 2011. A new insight into allelopathic effects of Alexandrium minutum on photosynthesis and respiration of the diatom Chaetoceros neogracile revealed by photosynthetic performance analysis and flow cytometry. Microbial Ecology 62(4), 919-930.
72- Seguineau C., Racotta I.S., Palacios E., Delaporte M., Moal J., Soudant P. 2011. The influence of dietary supplementation of arachidonic acid on prostaglandin production and oxidative stress in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas Comp. Biochem. & Physio. A, 160, 87–93
71- Haberkorn H., Tran D., Massabuau J.-C., Ciret P., Savar V., Soudant P. 2011. Relationship between valve activity, microalgae concentration in the water and toxin accumulation in the digestive gland of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas exposed to Alexandrium minutum. Mar. Poll. Bull., 62, 1191–1197
70- Haberkorn H., Hegaret H., Marie D., Lambert C., Soudant P. 2011. Flow cytometric measurements of cellular responses in a toxic dinoflagellate, Alexandrium minutum, upon exposure to thermal, chemical and mechanical stresses. Harmful Algae 10 , 463-471
69- Hégaret H., da Silva P.M, Soudant P. , Haberkorn H., Shumway S.E., Wikfors G.H. 2011. In vitro interactions between several species of harmful algae and haemocytes of bivalve molluscs. Cell. Biol. Toxicol., 27(4), 249-266.


68- Labreuche Y., Le Roux F., Henry J. , Zatylny C., Huvet A., Lambert C., Soudant P., Mazel D., Nicolas J.-L. 2010. Vibrio aestuarianus zinc metalloprotease causes lethality in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas and impairs the host cellular immune defenses. Fish & Shellfish Immunol. 29, 753-758
67- Kraffe E., Grall J., Palacios E., Guerra C., Soudant P., & Marty Y. 2010. Occurrence of the cis-4,7,10,trans-13-22:4 fatty acid in the family Pectinidae (Mollusca: Bivalvia). Lipids 45, 437–444
66 - Haberkorn, H., Lambert, C., Le Goïc, N., Moal, J., Suquet, M., Guéguen, M., Sunila, I. & Soudant, P. 2010. Effects of Alexandrium minutum exposure on nutrition related processes and reproductive output in oysters Crassostrea gigas. Harmful Algae, 9, 427–439
65 - Le Grand F., Kraffe E., De Montaudouin X., Villalba A., Marty Y. & Soudant P. 2010. Impact of seasonal variation and burying depth on prevalence, intensity and aneuploidy patterns of disseminated neoplasia in cockles (Cerastoderma edule) from Arcachon Bay. J. Invertebr. Pathol. 104, 110–118.
64 - Tran D., H. Haberkorn, P. Soudant, P. Ciret, and J.-C. Massabuau. 2010. Behavioral responses of Crassostrea gigas exposed to the harmful algae Alexandrium minutum. Aquaculture 298, 338-345.
63 - Haberkorn H., C. Lambert, N. Le Goïc, M. Guéguen, J. Moal, E. Palacios, P. Lassus & P. Soudant. 2010. Effects of Alexandrium minutum exposure on physiological and hematological variables of diploid and triploid oysters, Crassostrea gigas. Aquatic Toxicology 97, 96–108
62- Paul-Pont I., de Montaudouin X., P. Gonzalez, P. Soudant & M. Baudrimont 2010 How life history contributes to stress response in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 17, 987–998
61 - Medhioub W. Gueguen M., Lassus P., Bardouil M., Truquet P.,Sibat M., Medhioub N., Soudant P., Kraiem M., Amzil Z. 2010 Detoxification enhancement in the gymnodimine-contaminated grooved carpetshell, Ruditapes decussatus (Linne). Harmful Algae 9, 200–207
60 - Hurtado M.A., J.L. Ramírez, C. Rodríguez-Jaramillo, D. Tovar, A.M. Ibarra, P. Soudant, & E. Palacios. 2010. Comparison of a continuous and batch feeding systems on maturation, biochemical composition and immune variables of the oyster Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein 1951). Aquaculture Research 40, 464-472.


59 - Hurtado M. A., M. Reza, A. M. Ibarra, M. Wille, P. Sorgeloos, P. Soudant & E. Palacios. 2009. Arachidonic acid (20:4n− 6) effect on reproduction, immunology, and prostaglandin E2 levels in Crassostrea corteziensis (Hertlein, 1951), Aqualculture 294(3-4), 300-305.
58 - Flye-Sainte-Marie, J., P. Soudant, C. Lambert, N. Le Goïc, M. Goncalvez, M.-A. Travers, C. Paillard & F. Jean. 2009. Variability of the hemocyte parameters of Ruditapes philippinarum in the field during an annual cycle J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 377(1), 1-11.
57 - Hégaret, H., da Silva P. M., Sunila, I., Shumway, S. E., Dixon, M.S., Alix, J.H., Wikfors, G.H. & P. Soudant 2009. Perkinsosis in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum affects responses to the harmful-alga, Prorocentrum minimum. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 371(2), 112-120.
56 - Donaghy L., C. Lambert, K.-S. Choi & P. Soudant. 2009. Hemocytes from the Carpet Shell clam (Ruritapes decussatus) and the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum): State of the Art. Aquaculture, 297(1-4), 10-24.


55 - Chu F-L.E., E.D. Lund, P.R. Littreal, K.E. Ruck, E. Harvey, J.-R. Le Coz, Y. Marty, J. Moal & P. Soudant. 2008. Sterol production and phytosterol bioconversion in two species of heterotrophic protists, Oxyrrhis marina and Gyr odinium dominans Mar. Biol. 156, 155–169.
54 - Kraffe E., J. Grall, M. Le Duff, P. Soudant, & Y. Marty. 2008. A Striking Parallel Between Cardiolipin Fatty Acid Composition and Phylogenetic Belonging in Marine Bivalves: A Possible Adaptative Evolution? Lipids 43, 961–970.
53 - da Silva P. M., H. Hégaret, C. Lambert, G.H. Wikfors, N. Le Goïc, S.E. Shumway, & P. Soudant. 2008. Immunological responses of the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) with varying parasite (Perkisnsus olseni) burden, during a long term exposure to the harmful alga, Karenia selliformis, and possible interactions Toxicon, 51(4), 563-573.


52 - Hégaret H., da Silva P.M., Wikfors G.H., Lambert C, De Bettignies T., Shumway S.E., & P. Soudant. 2007. Hemocyte responses of Manila clams, Ruditapes philippinarum, with varying parasite, Perkinsus olseni, severity to toxic-algal exposures. Aquatic Toxicology, 84, 469-479.
51 - Delaporte M., Soudant P., Lambert C., Jegaden M., Moal J., Pouvreau S., Dégremont L., Boudry P. & Samain J.-F. 2007. Characterization of physiological and immunological differences between Pacific oysters (Crassostrea gigas) genetically selected for high or low survival to summer mortalities and fed different rations under controlled conditions. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 353(1), 45-57.
50 - Lambert C., Soudant P., Jegaden M., Delaporte M., Labreuche Y., Moal J. & Samain J.-F. 2007 In vitro modulation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen intermediate (ROI/RNI) production in Crassostrea gigas hemocytes. Aquaculture, 270, 413-421.
49 - Lambert C., Soudant P., Dégremont L., Delaporte M., Moal J., Boudry P., Jean F., Huvet A., Samain J.-F. 2007 Hemocyte characteristics in families of oysters, Crassostrea gigas, selected for differential survival during summer and reared in three Sites. Aquaculture, 270, 276-288.
48 - Lassalle G., de Montaudouin X., Soudant P., Paillard C. 2007. Parasite co-infection of two sympatric bivalves, the Manila clam (Ruditapes philippinarum) and the cockle (Cerastoderma edule) along the atlantic coast. Aquatic Living Res., 20, 33-42.
47 - Samain J.F., Dégremont L., Soletchnik P., Haure J., Bédier E., Ropert M., Moal J., Huvet A., Bacca H., Van Wormhoudt A., Delaporte M., Costil K., Pouvreau S., Lambert C., Boulo V., Soudant P., Nicolas J.L., Le Roux F., Renault T., Gagnaire B., Geret F., Boutet I., Burgeot T., Boudry P. 2007. Genetically based resistance to summer mortality in the Pacific oyster (Crassostrea gigas) and its relationship with physiological, immunological characteristics and infection processes. Aquaculture, 268, 227–243.
46 - Hégaret H., Wikfors G.H., Soudant P., Lambert C., Shumway S.E., Bérard J.B., Lassus P. 2007. Toxic dinoflagellates (Alexandrium fundyense and A. catenella) have little apparent effect on oyster hemocytes, Mar. Biol., 141, 441-447.
45 - Lund E. D., Chu F.-L. E., Soudant P. and Harvey E. 2007. Perkinsus marinus, a protozoan parasite of the eastern oyster, has a requirement for dietary sterols. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. 146, 141–147.
44 - Delaporte M., Chu F.-L. E., Langdon C., Moal J., Lambert C., Samain J.-F. & Soudant P. 2007. Changes in biochemical and hemocyte parameters of the Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas fed T-Iso supplemented with lipid emulsions rich in 20:5n-3. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 343, 261–275


43 - Labreuche. Y., Lambert C., Soudant P., Boulo V., Huvet A., & Nicolas J.-L. 2007. Cellular and molecular immune responses of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas following bacterial infection with Vibrio aestuarianus strain 01/32. Microbes and Infection, 8, 2715-2724.
42 - Delaporte M., Soudant P., Moal J., Giudicelli E., Lambert C., Séguineau C. & Samain J.-F. 2006. Impact of 20:4n-6 supplementation on the fatty acid composition and hemocyte parameters of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Lipids, 41, 567-576.
41 - Kraffe E., Soudant P., Marty Y. 22:4n-913t 2006. Fatty acid distribution in diacyl and plasmalogen phospholipids of two pectinid species. Lipids, 41, 491-497.
40 - Delaporte M., P. Soudant, C. Lambert, J. Moal, S. Pouvreau, & J.-F. Samain. 2006. Impact of food availability on energy storage and defense related hemocyte parameters of the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas during an experimental reproductive cycle. Aquaculture, 254, 571-582.
39 - Labreuche Y., P. Soudant, M. Goncalves, C. Lambert & J.-L. Nicolas 2006. Effects of Extracellular Products from the pathogenic Vibrio aestuarianus strain 01/32 on lethality and cellular immune responses of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. Dev. Comp. Immunol., 30, 367–379


38 - da Silva P. M., P. Soudant, M. J. Carballal, C. Lambert, A. Villalba. 2005. Flow cytometric DNA content analysis of neoplastic cells in haemolymph of the cockle Cerastoderma edule. Dis. Aquat. Org., 67, 133–139
37 - Lund E. D., P. Soudant, E. Harvey, S. Bolton, A. Flowers, & F.-L. E. Chu. 2005. Effects of the drug triclosan on growth, viability and fatty acid synthesis in the oyster protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus. Dis. Aquat. Org., 67, 217–224
36 - Seguineau C., P. Soudant, J. Moal, M. Delaporte, P. Miner, C. Quere, & J.-F. Samain. 2005. New techniques for individual PUFA delivery to oyster Crassostrea gigas spat. A preliminary investigation. Lipids, 40(9), 931-939
35 - Kraffe E., P. Soudant, Y. Marty, & N. Kervarec 2005. Docosahexaenoic and Eicosapentaenoic enriched Cardiolipin in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum. Lipids, 40(6), 619-625.
34 - Soudant P., F.-L. E. Chu, & E. D. Lund 2005. Assessment of the Cell Viability of Cultured Perkinsus marinus (Perkinsea), a Parasitic Protozoan of the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica, Using SYBRgreen-Propidium Iodide Double Staining and Flow Cytometry. J. Euk. Microbiol., 52(6), 1–8.
33 - Choi K.-S., K.-I. Park, M. Cho, P. Soudant 2005. Diagnosis, Pathology and Taxonomy of Perkinsus sp. Isolated from the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in Korea J. of Aquaculture, 18(3), 207-214.
32 - Delaporte M., P. Soudant, J. Moal, E. Kraffe, Y. Marty & J.-F. Samain 2005. Incorporation and modification of dietary fatty acids in gill polar lipids by two bivalve species Crassostrea gigas and Ruditapes philippinarum. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. A., 140, 460–470.


31 - Berthe F.C.J., K.S. Choi , A. Figueras, P. Soudant and A. Villalba. 2004. Perkinsosis in Europe: current issues and research needs. Bull. Eur. Ass. Fish. Pathol. 24(1), 52-53.
30 - Hégaret, H., G.H. Wikfors, P. Soudant, M. Delaporte, J.H. Alix, B.C. Smith, M.S. Dixon, J.R. Le Coz, C. Paillard, J. Moal, J.-F. Samain. 2004. Immunological competence of eastern Oysters, Crassostrea virginica, fed different microalgal diets and Challenged with a temperature elevation. Aquaculture 234, 541-560.
29 - Kraffe E., P. Soudant, Y. Marty. 2004. Fatty Acid Composition of Serine, Ethanolamine and Choline Plasmalogens in some Marine Bivalves. Lipids 39, 59-66
28 - Soudant P., C. Paillard , G. Choquet , C. Lambert , H. I. Reid, A. Marhic, L. Donaghy and T. H. Birkbeck. 2004. Impact of season and rearing site on the physiological and immunological parameters of the Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum. Aquaculture 229, 401-418.


27 - Chu F.-L. E., P. Soudant, E. Lund. 2003. Perkinsus marinus, a protozoan parasite of Eastern oyster (Crassostrea virginica): Effects of temperature on the uptake and metabolism of fluorescent lipid analogs and lipase activities. Exp. Parasitol. 105 (2), 121-130
26 - Choquet G., P. Soudant, C. Lambert, J.-L. Nicolas and C. Paillard. 2003. Reduction of adhesion properties on Ruditapes philippinarum hemocytes exposed to Vibrio tapetis. Dis. Aquat. Org. 57, 109-116
25 - Reid HI, Soudant P, Lambert C, Paillard C, Birkbeck TH. 2003. Salinity effects on immune parameters of Ruditapes phillipinarum challenged with Vibrio tapetis. Dis. Aquat. Org. 56(3), 249-258
24 - Chu F.-L. E., P. Soudant, R. C. Hale. 2003 Relationship between PCB accumulation and reproductive output in conditioned oysters Crassostrea virginica fed a contaminated algal diet. Aquatic toxicology 65(3), 293-307
23 - Lambert C., P. Soudant, G. Choquet and C. Paillard 2003. Measurement of Crassostrea gigas hemocytes oxidative metabolism by flow cytometry and the inhibiting capacity of pathogenic vibrios. Fish Shellfish Immunol. 15(3), 224-240
22 - Hégaret H., G.H. Wikfors, P. Soudant 2003. Flow-cytometric analysis of haemocytes from eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, subjected to a sudden temperature elevation: I. Haemocyte types and morphology. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 293, 237-248
21 - Hégaret H. , G.H. Wikfors, P. Soudant 2003. Flow-cytometric analysis of haemocytes from eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, subjected to a sudden temperature elevation: II. Haemocyte functions; aggregation, viability, phagocytosis and respiratory burst. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol. 293, 249-265.
20 - Delaporte M., P. Soudant, J. Moal, C. Lambert, C. Quéré, P. Miner, G. Choquet, C. Paillard & J.-F. Samain 2003. Effect of a mono-specific algal diet on immune functions in two bivalve species Crassostrea gigas and Ruditapes philippinarum. J. Exp. Biol. 206 (17) 3053-3064


19 - Novoa S., Martínez D., Ojea J., Soudant P., Samain J.-F., Moal J., Rodríguez J.-L. 2002. Ingestion, digestion and assimilation of gelatin-acacia microcapsules incorporating deuterium-labeled arachidonic acid by larvae of the clam Venerupis pullastra. J. Shellfish. Res. 21(2), 649-658.
18 - Kraffe E., P. Soudant, Y. Marty, N. Kervarec , P. Guenot. 2002. Evidence of a tetradocosahexaenoic form of cardiolipin in some marine bivalves. Lipids 37 (5): 507-514.
17 - Chu, F.-L., E. Lund, P. Soudant, and E. Harvey 2002. De novo arachidonic acid synthesis in Perkinsus marinus, a protozoan parasite of the eastern oyster Crassostrea virginica. Mol. Biochem. Parasitol.. 119: 179-190.


16 - Samain, J.F.; Sorgeloos, P.; Caers, M.; Van Ryckegem, C.; Soudant, P.; Garcia, O.; Espinosa, J.; Marty, Y.; Mathieu, M.; Berthelin, C.; Quere, C.; Le Coz, J.R.; Seguineau, C.; Moal, J. 2001. Nutrition and reproduction of the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas: main results of the European project Giganuga (Gigas nutrition and gametogenesis). Special Publication European Aquaculture Society, 30: pp. 532-535.
15 - Soudant P. & Chu F.L.E. 2001. Lipid and fatty acids of the oyster protozoan parasite Perkinsus marinus. J. Euk. Microbiol., 48 (3), 309–319.


14 - Soudant P., Chu F.L.E. & Marty Y. 2000. Lipid class composition of the protozoan Perkinsus marinus, an oyster parasite, and its metabolism of a fluorescent phosphatidylcholine analog. Lipids, 35 (12), 1387-1395.
13 - Soudant P., M. Val, C. Quere, J.R. Le Coz, Y. Marty, J. Moal, J.F. Samain & P. Sorgeloos. 2000. The use of lipid emulsions for sterol supplementation of spat of the Pacific oyster, Crassostrea gigas. Aquaculture, 184, 315-326.
12 - Chu F.L., P. Soudant, Y. Huang and A.K. Volety. 2000. Uptake and metabolism of fluorescent lipid analogs in the Oyster protozoan Parasite, Perkinsus marinus. Exp. Parasitol., 94, 240-251.
11- Chu. F.L., P. Soudant, L.A. Cruz-Rodriguez & Robert Hale. 2000. PCB uptake and accumulation by feeding oysters C. virginica with PCB-sorbed algal paste. Mar. Env. Res., 50, 217-221
10 - Cruz-Rodriguez L., A.J. Baucum, P. Soudant & F.L. Chu. 2000. Effect of PCBs on Stress protein (Hsp70) expression in oysters (Crassostrea virginica). Mar. Env. Res., 50, 341-345


9 - Soudant P., K. Van Ryckeghem, Y. Marty, J. Moal, J.F. Samain and P. Sorgeloos. 1999. Comparison of the lipid class and fatty acid composition between a reproductive cycle in nature and a standard hatchery conditioning of the Pacific Oyster Crassostrea gigas. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 123B, 2, 209-222.
8- Marty Y., P. Soudant, S. Perrotte, J. Moal, J. Dussauze & J.F. Samain. 1999. Identification and Occurrence of a Novel cis-4,7,10,trans-13,Docosatetraenoic Fatty Acid in the Scallop Pecten maximus (L.) J. of Chromatogr. A, 839 (1-2), 119-127.


7- Soudant P., J. Moal, Y. Marty & J. F. Samain. 1998. Fatty acid composition of polar lipid classes during the larval development of Scallop Pecten maximus (L.) Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 121A, 279-288.
6 - Soudant P., J. R. Lecoz, Y. Marty, J. Moal & J. F. Samain. 1998. Incorporation of microalgae sterols by scallop Pecten maximus (L.) larvae. Comp. Biochem. Physiol., 119A, 2, 451-457


5- Soudant P., J. Moal, Y. Marty, & J. F. Samain. 1997. Composition of polar lipid classes in male gonads of Pecten maximus (L.). Effect of nutrition. J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 215, 103-114.


4- Soudant P., J. Moal, Y. Marty & J. F. Samain. 1996. Impact of the quality of dietary fatty acids on metabolism and the composition of polar lipid classes in female gonads of Pecten maximus (L.). J. Exp. Mar. Biol. Ecol., 205, 149-163
3- Soudant P., Y. Marty, J. Moal & J. F. Samain. 1996. Fatty acids and egg quality in great scallop. Aquaculture international, 4, 191-200.
2- Soudant P., Y. Marty, J. Moal, R. Robert, C. Quéré, J. R. Lecoz & J. F. Samain. 1996. Effect of food fatty acid and sterol quality on Pecten maximus gonad composition and reproduction process. Aquaculture, 143, 361-378.


1- Soudant P., Y. Marty, J. Moal & J. F. Samain. 1995. Separation of major polar lipids in Pecten maximus by high-performance liquid chromatography and subsequent determination of their fatty acids using gas chromatography. J. of Chromatogr. B, 673, 15-26.