Field of expertise
- Laser spectroscopy
- Atomic and molecular absorption, emission and fluorescence
- Chemometrics
Domain of research
- Development of analytical methods in laser spectroscopy
- Analyse of trace polutants (organic and metalic)
- Environmental applications
- Bioanalytical studies
These studies focus on the analyse of trace organic pollutants in water by laser-induced molecular fluorescence. The excitation is done by a Nd:YAG tuneable laser.
A new methods using Photo Induced Fluorescence has been recently published.
Environmental applications have been conducted in freshwater and seawater :
- Endocrine disruptors (phthalates and phenolics)
- Bisphenol A by Direct Laser Photo-Induced Fluorescence (DL-PIF)
- Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) a family of organic pollutants carcinogens whose total concentration is limited to 0.2 mg/L in tap water. For the 6 regulated HPA We have obtained by direct analysis good detection limits, especially for benzo |LS|a|RS| pyrene with a DL of 0.7 ng/L. In the case of river water, the fluorescence of organic matter (humic acids) masks the compound. Using a time shift allows to reduce the matrix signal.
- Pesticides
- Anilides and phenylureas, by Direct Laser Photo-Induced Fluorescence (DL-PIF).
- Carbamates by laser fluorescence in different matrix. For example, for carbaryl the concentration limit for drinking water is 100 ng/L (500 ng / L for the sum of all pesticides). The use of a time delay of 6 ns can reduced the fluorescence of the matrix and achieve a detection limit of 10 ng/L.
1 – Direct and Reverse micellar-enhanced photo-induced fluorescence determination of fenvalerate in Senegalese surface and groundwater..
D. D. Thiaré, D. Sarr, F. Delattre, P. Giamarchi, A. Coly.
Journal of Photochemistry & Photobiology, A: Chemistry, 2024, in press.
2 – Cyclodextrin-enhanced photo-induced fluorescence of tau-fluvalinate, molecular modelling of inclusion complexes and determination in natural waters.
E. H. T. Bodian, C. Faye, D. D. Thiaré, N. A. Diop, P. A. Diaw , F. Delattre , A. Coly , P. Giamarchi,
Analytical Methods, 2024, in press.
3- Analysis of non-native fluorescent pesticides by thermo-induced and photo-induced fluorescence, a comparative study.
D. Diouf; N. A. Diop; D. D. Thiaré; A. Coly; M. D. Gaye-Seye; P. A. Diaw; B. Le Jeune; P. Giamarchi, Spectrochemica Acta, 2023, Vol 302, 123036 (7p). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.saa.2023.123036
4- High Sensitivity on-Site Early Warning System Monitoring of Pesticides by Photo-Induced Fluorescence.
N. A. Diop; D. Diouf; E. H. T. Bodian; C. Faye; J. P. Bakhoum; D. D. Thiaré; P. A. Diaw; M. D. Gaye-Seye; A. Coly; B. Le Jeune; P. Giamarchi,
Analytica Chemica Acta, 2023, Vol 1250, 340969-340972. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2023.340969
5 - Direct spectrofluorimetric method for analysis of carbofuran and fluometuron in Senegalese natural waters. D. Sarr, D.D. Thiaré, P. A. Diaw, L. Cissé, A. Coly, F. Delattre, P. Giamarchi, A. Tine,
Journal of Fluorescence, 2023. doi.org/10.1007/s10895-023-03458-y
6- Determination of flumethrin and tau-fluvalinate pyrethroid insecticides in surface and groundwater by photochemically induced fluorescence (PIF).
E.H.T. Bodian, D.D. Thiaré, J.-P. Bakhoum, O.M.A. Mbaye, N.A. Diop, P. A. Diaw, B. Le Jeune, A. Coly, P. Giamarchi.
Analytical Letters, 2022, Vol 55, 1980-1996.
7- Characterization of the vertical size distribution, composition and chemical properties of dissolved organic matter in the (ultra)oligotrophic Pacific Ocean through a multi-detection approach.
P. Fourrier, G. Dulaquais, C. Guigue, P. Giamarchi, G. Sarthou, H. Whitby, R. Riso.
Marine Chemistry, 2022, Vol 240, 104068.
8 - Photodegradation studdy of the fenvalerate insecticide by 1H NMR, 13C NMR and GC-MS and structural elucidation of its transformation photoproducts.
D. D. Thiaré, P. A. Diaw, O. M. A. Mbaye, D. Sarr, M. D. Gaye-Seye, S. Ruellan, P. Giamarchi, F. Delattre, A. Coly, J.-J. Aaron,
Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 41, No. 2, pp. xx–xx (2022)
9 - Micellar Enhanced Photo-Induced Fluorescence and Absorbance for the development of an on-site Early Warning Water Quality Monitoring System for Pesticides.
J. P. Bakhoum, N. A. Diop, E. H. T. Bodian, P. A. Diaw, O. M. A. Mbaye, L. Cisse, M. D. Gaye-Seye, D. D. Thiare, A. Coly, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi.
ANALYST, 2021, Vol 146, 4515-4524.
10 - Alternative to high pressure mercury vapor lamp for photo induced fluorescence analytical methods. Application to the determination of pesticides in water.
N. A. Diop, J. P. Bakhoum, P. A. Diaw, O. M. A. Mbaye, L. Cisse, M. D. Gaye-Seye, G. Le roux, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi.
Analytical Sciences, 2021, Vol 37, 1177-1180.
11 - Development of an on-site Early Warning Water Quality Monitoring System for pesticide detection by absorption and photo-induced fluorescence.
J. P. Bakhoum, N. A. Diop, E. T. Bodian, O. M. A. Mbaye, P. A. Diaw, L. Cisse, M. D. Gaye-Seye, D. D. Thiare, A. Coly, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi.
Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 2020, Vol 27, 45238–45249.
Free full-text view-only: https://rdcu.be/b6dw3
12 - Development of thermochemically induced fluorescence (TIF) method for the determination of insecticide deltamethrin in Senegalese natural waters.
D. Diouf, D. D. Thiaré, D. Sarra, P. A. Diaw, K. Kital, O. M. A. Mbaye, S. O. Sarr, Mame D. Gaye-Seye, P. Giamarchi, A. Coly.
International J. of Environmental Analytical Chem. 2022, Vol 102, N°17, 5445-5456.
13 – Analyze of oxadiazon herbicide in natural waters by a micellar-enhanced photo-induced fluorescence.
J. P. Bakhoum, O. M. A. Mbaye, P. A. Diaw, L. Cisse, M. Mbaye, M. D. Gaye-Seye, A. Coly, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi.
Analytical Sciences, 2020, Vol 20, N° 4, 447-452.
Abstract: www.jsac.or.jp/analsci/abst.php/36/4/447/19P390
Full text: doi.org/10.2116/analsci.19P390
14 – Development of a new automatic on-site detector of pesticides in natural waters by photo induced fluorescence, application to three phenylurea and benzoylurea herbicide.
J. P. Bakhoum, O. M. A. Mbaye, P. A. Diaw, M. Mbaye, L. Cisse, M. D. Gaye-Seye, J-J. Aaron, A. Coly, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi.
Spectrochemica Acta Part A, 2019, Vol 214, 285-293.
15 - Ultraviolet photo-induced fluorescence followed by laser excitation (UV-PIF-LE) for the determination of herbicides in natural waters.
J. P. Bakhoum, O. Mbaye, P. Diaw, M. Mbaye, L. Cisse, D. Gaye-Seye, J.J. Aaron, A. Coly, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi.
Analytical Letters, 2019, Vol 52, 2782-2793.
16 – Combination of photo-induced fluorescence and GC-MS for elucidating the photo degradation mechanisms of diflubenzuron and fenuron pesticides.
P. A. Diaw, O. M. A. Mbaye, D. D. Thiaré, N. Oturan, M. D. Gaye-Seye, A. Coly, B. Le Jeune, P. Giamarchi, M. A. Oturan, J.-J. Aaron.
Luminescence, 2019, Vol 34, 465-471.
17 - Development of online automatic detector of hydrocarbons and suspended organic matter by simultaneously acquisition of fluorescence and scattering
Mbaye M., Diaw P.A., Gaye-Saye, D. Le Jeune B., Cavalin G., Denis L., Aaron J.J. Delmas R., Giamarchi P.
Spectrochemica Acta Part A, 2018, Vol 192, 117-127.
18 - A new direct laser photo-induced fluorescence method coupled on-line with liquid chromatographic separation for the simultaneous determination of anilides pesticides.
Mbaye O., Maroto A., Gaye-Seye M.D., Stephan L., Deschamps L., Aaron J.J., Giamarchi P.
Talanta, 2015, Vol 132, 909-914.
19 – Determination of phenylurea pesticides by direct laser photo-induced fluorescence.
Diaw P.A., Maroto A., Mbaye O.M.A., Gaye-Seye M.D., Stephan L., Coly A., Deschamps L. , Tine A. , Aaron J.J. , Giamarchi P.
Talanta, 2013, Vol 116, 569-574. .
Published paper: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2013.07.014
20 – Direct Laser Photo-Induced Fluorescence Determination of Bisphenol A.
Maroto A., Kissingou P., Diascorn A., Benmansour B., Deschamps L., Stephan L., Cabon J.Y., Giamarchi P.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2011, Vol 401, 3011-3017.
Published paper: http://rd.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00216-011-5375-7
21 – Spectroscopic properties and laser induced fluorescence determination of some endocrine disrupting compounds
Benmansour .B, Stephan L., Cabon J.Y., Deschamps L., Giamarchi P.,
Journal of fluorescence, 2011, Vol 21, N°3, 843-850.
22 – Simulations of accidental coal immersion
Jaffrennou C., Stephan L., Giamarchi P., Cabon J.Y., Burel-Deschamps L., Bautin F. , Thomas A., Le Floch S.,
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2007, Vol 54, N° 17, 1932 – 1939.
23 – Direct fluorescence monitoring of coal organic matters released in seawater.
Jaffrennou C., Stephan L., Giamarchi P., Cabon J.Y., Burel-Deschamps L., Bautin F.
Journal of fluorescence, 2007, Vol 17, N°5, 564-572.
24 – Laser induced fluorescence detection of carbamates traces in water.
Burel L., Giamarchi P., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.
Journal of Fluorescence, 2006, Vol 16, N°2, 177-183.
25 – Molecular and atomic ultra traces analysis by laser induced fluorescence with OPO system and ICCD camera...
Burel L., Giamarchi P., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.,
Talanta, 2003, Vol 60, 295-302.
26 - Laser-induced fluorescence with OPO system. Part I: Optimisation of the analytical system by use of experimental design methodology. Application to the direct quantification of traces of benzo|LS|a|RS|pyrene.
Giamarchi P., Burel L., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2002, Vol 374, N° 3, 490-497.
27 – Multicomponent determination of poly aromatic hydrocarbons mixture by direct fluorescence measurements.
Giamarchi P., Stephan L., Salomon S., Le Bihan A.
Journal of Fluorescence, 2000, Vol 10, N°4, 393-402.
We have developed and optimized methods for trace metal analysis by laser-induced atomic fluorescence.
The atomisation is carried out by a and electrothermal system and the excitation by a Nd:YAG tuneable laser.
Environmental applications have been conducted in freshwater and seawater.
1 - Ta/NiO subwavelength bilayer for wide gamut, strong interference structural color.
David Spenato, Matthieu Dubreuil, Denis Morineau, Philippe Giamarchi, David Dekadkevi, Jean-Philippe Jay, Alain Fessant, Sylvain Rivet and Yann Le Grand.
Journal of Physics Communications, 2022, Vol 6, 035002.
2 – Imaging Time Resolved Electrothermal Atomisation Laser Excited Atomic Fluorescence Spectrometry for determination of mercury in seawater
Le Bihan A, Cabon J.Y., Deschamps L., Giamarchi P.
Analytical Chemistry, 2011, Vol 83, 4881 – 4886.
3 – Determination of iron in seawater by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry and atomic fluorescence spectrometry: A comparative study.
Cabon J.Y., Giamarchi P., Le Bihan A.,
Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, Vol 664, 114-120.
4 – Study of marine pollution caused by the release of metals into seawater following acid spills.
Cabon J.Y., Giamarchi P., Le Floch S.,
Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2010, Vol 60, 998-1004.
5 – Study of trace metals leaching from coals into seawater.
Cabon J.Y., Burel-Deschamps L., Giamarchi P., Jaffrennou C., Bautin F.
Chemosphere, 2007, Vol 69, 1100-1110.
6 - Laser-induced fluorescence with OPO system. Part II: Direct determination of lead content in seawater by Electrothermal Atomization-Laser Excited Atomic Fluorescence(ETA-LEAF).
Giamarchi P., Burel L., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2003, Vol 375, 815-819.
7 – Molecular and atomic ultra traces analysis by laser induced fluorescence with OPO system and ICCD camera...
Burel L., Giamarchi P., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.,
Talanta, 2003, Vol 60, 295-302.
8 – Direct determination of aluminium in seawater by electrothermal atomization-laser excited atomic fluorescence..
Le Bihan A., Lijour Y., Giamarchi P., Burel L., Stephan L.,
Spectrochimica Acta Part B, 2003, Vol 58, 15-26.
9 – Molecular and atomic laser-induced fluorescence with OPO system: Experimental set-up and applications.
Giamarchi P., Burel L., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.,
Luminescence, 2002, Vol 17, N° 4, 277-278.
10 - Desirability approach for optimisation of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry factors in iron determinations
Salomon S., Giamarchi P., Le Bihan A.
Analusis, 2000, Vol 28, 575-586.
Free download : analusis.edpsciences.org/articles/analusis/pdf/2000/07/an1983.pdf
11 – Improvements in the determination of nanomolar concentrations of aluminium in seawater by electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy.
Salomon S., Giamarchi P., Le Bihan A., Becker-Rob H., Heitmann U.
Spectrochimica - Acta Part B, 2000, Vol 55, 1337-1350.
12 – Study of metal release in infiltration waters of a sewage field by setting up a D-optimal experimental design.
Giamarchi P., Joncourt G., Appriou P.
Analusis, 1998, N°8, Vol 26, 30-39.
Free download : analusis.edpsciences.org/articles/analusis/pdf/1998/08/m090898.pdf
13 - Electrothermic factors optimisation in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry via an optimal experimental design matrix.
Le Garrec H., Giamarchi P., Cabon J.Y., Le Bihan A. ,
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1998, N°368, 59-70.
14 - Spectroscopic factors optimisation in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry via an optimal experimental design matrix.
Le Garrec H., Giamarchi P., Cabon J.Y., Appriou P., Le Bihan A.,
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1997, N° 350, 171-182.
We study by fluorescence spectroscopy the physicochemical properties of liposomes membranes composed of cationic phospholipids. These cationic lipids are synthesized by the "synthetic vectors" team (Jaffrès Pr) and consist in two fatty chains, a spacer and a cationic head with the ability to complex the DNA.
By fluorescence anisotropy we study the membrane viscosity and the phase transition temperature depending on the membrane composition and on the addition of colipids.
By FRET we have evaluate the fusion rate of liposomes
We have also conducted experiments on transfection efficiency (INSERM U613, Pr Lehn and Pr Férec).
1 - Biophysical properties of cationic lipophosphoramidates: vesicle morphology, bilayer hydration and dynamics
Loizeau D., Jurkiewicz P., Aydogan G., Philimonenko A., Mahfoudhi S., Hozák P., Maroto A., Couthon-Gourvès H., Jaffrès P.A., Deschamps L., Giamarchi P., Hof M.
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2015.
Published article : www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927776515301818
2 – Functionalized Phospholipid Molecular Platform: Use for Production of Cationic Fluorescent Lipids.
Berchel M., Haelters J.P., Afonso D., Alicia M., Deschamps L., Giamarchi P., Jaffrès P.A.
European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 2014, 1076-1083.
Published article : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ejoc.201301416/abstract
3 – Physicochemical properties of cationic lipophosphoramidates with an arsonium head group and various lipid chains: a structure-activity approach.
Loizeau D., Le Gall T., Mahfoudhi S., Berchel M., Maroto A., Yaouanc J.J., Jaffrès P.A., Lehn P., Deschamps L., T, Giamarchi P.
Biophysical Chemistry, 2013, Vol 171, 46-53.
Published article : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301462212001299
4 – Cationic Lipo-thiophosphoramidates for in vitro gene delivery: synthesis, physico-chemical characterizations and transfection assays - comparison with lipo-phosphoramidates.
Fraix A., Montier T., Carmoy N., Loizeau D, Burel-Deschamps L, Le Gall T, Giamarchi P, Couthon-Gourvès H, Haelters J.P., Lehn P, Jaffrès P.A.
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 2011, Vol 9, 2422-2432.
Published article : http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/ob/c0ob00981d
Research_Gate_: www.researchgate.net/publication/49836737_Cationic_lipo-thiophosphoramidates_for_gene_delivery_synthesis_physico-chemical_characterization_and_gene_transfection_activity--comparison_with_lipo-phosphoramidates
5 – A novel cationic lipophosphoramide with di-unsaturated lipid chains: synthesis, physico-chemical properties and transfection activities.
Le Gall T., Loizeau D., Picquet E., Carmoy N., Yaouanc J.J., Deschamps L., Delépine P., Giamarchi P., Jaffrès P. A., Lehn P., Montier T.,
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, Vol 53, N°4, 1496-1508.
Published article : http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/jm900897a
Free_download: www.jybio.com/UserFiles/A%20Novel%20Cationic%20Lipophosphoramide%20with%20Diunsaturated%20Lipid%20Chains%20Synthesis,%20Physicochemical%20Properties,%20and%20Transfection%20Activities.pdf
6 – Fluorescence study of lipid-based DNA carriers properties: Influence of cationic lipid chemical structure.
Burel-Deschamps L., Mével M., Loizeau D., Clément J.C., Jaffrès P.A., Giamarchi P.,
Journal of fluorescence, 2008, Vol 18, N°5, 835-841.
Published article : http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10895-008-0312-7#
Research_Gate_: www.researchgate.net/publication/5628228_Fluorescence_study_of_lipid-based_DNA_carriers_properties_influence_of_cationic_lipid_chemical_structure
7 – Lipophosphoramidate as lipidic part of lipospermines for gene delivery.
Lamarche F., Mével M., Montier T., Burel-Deschamps L., Giamarchi P., Tripier R., Le Gall T., Cartier d., Lehn P., Clément J.C., Jaffrès P.A.,
Bioconjugate Chemistry, 2007, Vol 18, N°5, 1575-1582.
Published article : http://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/bc070070w
Research_Gate_: www.researchgate.net/publication/6162134_Lipophosphoramidates_as_lipidic_part_of_lipospermines_for_gene_delivery
To optimize the analytical systems, we develop and apply experimental design methodology with specially constructed D-optimal design.
We also use the data analysis methods to understand the observed phenomena.
This has been achieved in different fields of study:
- Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
- Molecular fluorescence spectroscopy
- Organic Synthesis
- Environmental studies
- Bio-anlytical
1- High Sensitivity on-Site Early Warning System Monitoring of Pesticides by Photo-Induced Fluorescence.
N. A. Diop; D. Diouf; E. H. T. Bodian; C. Faye; J. P. Bakhoum; D. D. Thiaré; P. A. Diaw; M. D. Gaye-Seye; A. Coly; B. Le Jeune; P. Giamarchi, Analytica Chemica Acta, 2023, Vol 1250, 340969-340972. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aca.2023.340969
2 – Experimental design methodology and data analysis technique applied to optimise an organic synthesis.
Guervenou J., Giamarchi P., Coulouarn C., Guerda M., Le Lez C., Oboyet T.
Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems, 2002, Vol 63, 81-89.
3 - Laser-induced fluorescence with OPO system. Part I: Optimisation of the analytical system by use of experimental design methodology. Application to the direct quantification of traces of benzo|LS|a|RS|pyrene.
Giamarchi P., Burel L., Stephan L., Lijour Y., Le Bihan A.
Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2002, Vol 374, N° 3, 490-497.
4 - Desirability approach for optimisation of electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry factors in iron determinations.
Salomon S., Giamarchi P., Le Bihan A.
Analusis, 2000, Vol 28, 575-586.
Free download : analusis.edpsciences.org/articles/analusis/pdf/2000/07/an1983.pdf
5 – Multicomponent determination of poly aromatic hydrocarbons mixture by direct fluorescence measurements.
Giamarchi P., Stephan L., Salomon S., Le Bihan A.
Journal of Fluorescence, 2000, N°4, Vol 4, 393-402.
6 – Study of metal release in infiltration waters of a sewage field by setting up a D-optimal experimental design.
Giamarchi P., Joncourt G., Appriou P.
Analusis, 1998, N°8, Vol 26, 30-39
Free Download : analusis.edpsciences.org/articles/analusis/pdf/1998/08/m090898.pdf
7 - Electrothermic factors optimisation in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry via an optimal experimental design matrix.
Le Garrec H., Giamarchi P., Cabon J.Y., Le Bihan A. ,
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1998, N°368, 59-70.
8 - Spectroscopic factors optimisation in electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry via an optimal experimental design matrix.
Le Garrec H., Giamarchi P., Cabon J.Y., Appriou P., Le Bihan A.,
Analytica Chimica Acta, 1997, N° 350, 171-182.
9 - Determination of Kinetics Parameters of glutathione peroxydase by Experimental Design.
Carsol M.A., Pouliquen I., Giamarchi P., Lesgards G., Sergent M., Phan Tan Luu R.
Analusis, 1996, Vol 24, N° 5, 195-199.
10 – Application of multicriteria optimization to the development of thermoluminescent analysis – Study of irradiated herbs.
Fakirian A., Giamarchi P., Pouliquen I., Lesgards G., Sergent M., Phan Tan Luu R. Analusis,
1995, Vol 23, 140-145.
Analytical Chemistry
Chromatography (HPLC, CPG MS, Ionic)
Molecular spectroscopy (absorbance, fluorescence)
Atomic spectroscopy (absorption, emission)
Physicochemical methods
- In : Licence of chemistry
- Master of chemistry
Experimental design
- Screening
- Optimisation
- Mixture
- D Optimal
Data analysis
- In : Professional Master "OPEx"
- ESIAB Ingineer school