Mise à jour le   27/05/2024
Staff week Avril 2024 English for Administrative Staff

Staff week Avril 2024 English for Administrative Staff, SEA EU Brest

L'objectif de l'Alliance SEA-EU 2.0 est de favoriser les échanges en anglais à tous les niveaux de nos universités. Pour faciliter cette communication en anglais, des Staff Weeks linguistiques vont être organisées par les différentes universités.
Une occasion de découvrir une université partenaire et des collègues internationaux, dans le confort d'un cours de langue de 3 ou 4 jours sur une semaine, en immersion.
Financement : Bourse ERASMUS à demander par l'intéressé.e, complétée dans la limite de 250 euros par le budget Formation de la DRH.

Languages for International Communication

University of Gdansk - 16-20 September 2024

Cost: 250 euros + transport and accommodation

Funding through mobility grant and Brest HR (please contact  contact: karine.larreur@univ-brest.fr /  https://nouveau.univ-brest.fr/fr/page/mobilite-personnels)

Communicating in English for Research

Brest — 25-27 June 2024

Most researchers are able to write about their research, using various online resources and services offered by our universities. When it comes to speaking in public, however, stress and lack of practise sometimes make it difficult to communicate efficiently. Socializing around events and small talk can also be challenging since they are remote from the researchers' field of expertise. This staff week aims to overcome the difficulties most commonly experiences in research.
For researchers.
B1+/B2 level minimum in English. You should be able to participate in a course that is fully conducted in English, and present some research material in English.
Programme: 9-12 am / 2-5pm - Lunch and evening meals will be opportunities to practice small talk.
Day 1: Introducing one another, describing your field of research ( mini presentations), typical questions and answers
Day 2: Speaking at a conference – practice and feedback, including Q&A questions
            A visit in English (understanding a different accent and interacting with the guide)
Day 3: Taking part in a meeting, expressing your opinion diplomatically
If you are interested, register here