Éditions du CRBC University Press

Mise à jour le   04/03/2025
image illustration hdb 6 Les Romains contre les Bretons

Romuleon, Benvenuto Rambaldi, BnF fr. 367, f°56v

Each year, the Éditions du CRBC (UR4451 University of Western Brittany and UAR3554 UBO/CNRS) University Press publishes between 4 and 6 works and three journals:

  • Aremorica, Études sur l'ouest de la Gaule romaine (Studies on Western Roman Gaul) accessible on the Persée dissemination platform.
  • La Bretagne linguistique (Linguistic Brittany), accessible on OpenEdition Journals, indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and by Sherpa Romeo , and supported by the CNRS (2023-2025).
  • Studia Celto-Slavica series, accessible on the Ulster University website.

The Éditions du CRBC have a multidisciplinary editorial policy that enables dialogue between social sciences, humanities (history, archaeology, art history, ethnology, linguistics, sociology) and literary studies in order to analyse societies in Brittany and the Celtic regions in their numerous dimensions. The works also address issues in Area Studies through a dual diachronic and comparative lens.