Centre de Recherche Bretonne et Celtique

Centre de recherche
bretonne et celtique

Collex Persée


The Centre for Research and Documentation on Oral Literature was created by agreement between the Finistère Department, the National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) and the Université de Bretagne occidentale. Located in Manoir de Kernault, Mellac, it aims to:

  • collect and classify handwritten and documentary source material dating from the 19th century oral traditions gathering programme;
  • ensure duplication and provision of the above;
  • prepare the edition of collected texts;
  • organize scientific meetings with similar institutions in France and abroad;
  • host CBRC study days and conferences which involve lecturers-researchers from various UBO departments.

Since 1997, study days have been organized on topics revolving around oral literature. The centre also has a collection of documents (periodicals, general works on Brittany and oral literature) which may be consulted by prior appointment.


Centre de recherche et de documentation sur la littérature orale
Manoir de Kernault - 29300 Mellac
Tel : 33.(0).298.719.060
Fax : 33.(0).298.718.133

email : fanch.postic@univ-brest.fr

Manoir de Kernault

Photography: Chemins du Patrimoine en Finistère, Frédéric Thaëron, Hervé Ronné

Yves-Le Gallo library (UMS3554)


Bibliothèque Yves-Le Gallo
Faculté des Lettres et Sciences humaines Victor-Segalen
20 Rue Duquesne
29238 BREST
Tel : 33.(0).298.016.379

Courriel : direction.bibliothequeCRBC@univ-brest.fr

La bibliothèque passera en horaires réduits durant la semaine du 26 février :

    Du lundi au jeudi : 9h-12h / 13h-18h
    Vendredi : 9h-12h / 13h-17h

Accès et emprunt d'ouvrages libres et gratuits.


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