Welcome note from the dean
The School of Law, Economics, Management and Business Administration prides itself on its global outlook. Each year we welcome many students as part of the Erasmus+ program or through the Campus France admission procedure. Learning Agreements with several partner faculties are also in place in order to encourage foreign students to come and study in Brest. To succeed in your studies, before arriving in Brest you must choose courses adapted to your home university curriculum in order to take full advantage of the classes offered here. What's more, our School is a welcoming and sharing place for students where they can enjoy the cultural and environmental attractions of the city and its surrounding area.
Please visit our website, and we look forward to seeing you in Brest !
Training offer
Bachelor's degrees
Economie and Social Administration |
Law |
Economisc Management |
Vocational Bachelor's Degrees
Careers in property : Real Estate Management and administation |
The notarial profession |
Master's degrees
Law |
Economic and Social Administration | Management of health and social welfare organizations and the personal sevices sector |
Management of production, logistics, Purchaising |
Marketin, business, distribution and purchasing Management of the supply chain and pruchasing |
Territorial management and locoal developpement | Management and Engineering of territorial development in Europe |
Justice, Trials and Procedures | Magistrature |
Law of Maritime Activities | Law, sea and coast |
Institute of Judicial studies |