The NacrE project stemmed from a question: In what ways can the arts respond to questions posed by life sciences: how does life adapt to climate change? What are its potential mutations?
While marine biology scientists from LEMAR (IUEM - UBO) and BCA (University of Padua - Italy) were investigating the adaptation dynamics of the Japanese clam to climate warming in Brittany and the Venetian Lagoon, artists and a researcher in art-science embarked on an immersion in the Sea of Gâvres (Morbihan). We thus experimented with our tools around these questions of adaptation while embodying our own possibilities of mutation. It resulted in new existential territories.
The NacrE exhibition retraces this adventure which started in 2021 and carried out in collaboration with Frédéric Rebière (performer and dancer), Valérie Luong (visual artist), Joaquim Afonso da Silva (videographer), and Perrin Remonté (cartographer).
- Images and editing by Isabelle Elizéon, videos by Joaquim Afonso da Silva, in collaboration with artists (Valérie Luong, Frédéric Rebière)
The workshop
Les 7 et 8 mars 2024 - 10h à 16h30
Ce workshop est conçu comme une rencontre et un espace de dialogue ouvert à toutes et tous pour réfléchir ensemble aux questions d'adaptation, de mutation et de métamorphose explorées dans le projet NacrE. Une visite de l'exposition inaugurera donc le workshop. Cet atelier vise également à susciter des synergies entre les participant.es autour de nouveaux territoires existentiels. L'objectif, in fine, sera de faire émerger de futures collaborations art-science, valorisant interdépendances et co-créations, qui seront présentées au groupe. Celles et ceux qui le désirent pourront partager leurs expériences lors de la table ronde du 21 mars.
March 7th and 8th, 2024 - 10:00 AM to 4:30 PM
This workshop is designed as a meeting and an open dialogue space for everyone to reflect together on the questions of adaptation, mutation, and metamorphosis explored in the NacrE project. A visit to the exhibition will inaugurate the workshop. This workshop also aims to stimulate synergies among participants around new existential territories. The ultimate goal is to generate future art-science collaborations, highlighting interdependencies and co-creations, which will be presented to the group. Those who wish can share their experiences during the round table on March 21st.
Table Ronde NacrE
Intervenants :
- IIsabelle Elizéon, Joaquim Afonso da Silva (videographer)
- IRP Climclam
- Fondation de France
- Mairie de Brest