Maîtresse de Conférences en Urbanisme

Etablissement : Institut de Géoarchitecture
Affectation de recherche : EA 7462

Equipe(s) : State equipe
Pour la messagerie : prénom.nom@univ-brest.fr
Tél.State telephone

Page personnelle :


2022- 2024 : Scientific Director of the Projet « Smart Noz », funding by Region Bretagne

2022- 2025 : Scientific Director for « Noz Breizh », chaire universitaire UBO

2021- 2023 : Scientific Director of the Projet « Noz Num », funding by MSHB

2021-2022 : Scientific Director of the Projet “Blue Nigths”, funding by SEA EU

Since 2016 : Scientific Director of the Scientific Interest Group (GIS), Institute of the Americas, Brest (IdA-Brest), Americas Studies Network (IdA)

Since 2019 : Fondational member of "Estudios de la noche" in parteneriat with Mc Gill University and CISAN (UNAM)

2015- 2020 : Participation and active member of the research-action "La ville côté femmes" in Gennevilliers, conducted by the non profit organization "Les Urbaines". Scientific leader: Corinne Luxembourg, University of Artois, Emmanuelle Faure, University of Nanterre and Edna Hernàndez Gonzàlez

Since 2012 : Active member of the Multidisciplinary Research Group "Urban Pedestrian Mobilities" - Labex FutursUrbains. Scientific leaders: Jérôme Monnet, UPEM and Jean-Paul Hubert, IFSTTAR