
Brest Mass Days on 16 & 17 March 2023

LBAI/UMR1227 and the HYPERION platform are organising the first edition of the Brest Mass Day, a congress dedicated to imaging and flow mass cytometry.

Plateforme de Cytométrie HYPERION

Trophées Valorisation de la SATT Ouest : Christophe Jamin et Patrice Hémon récompensés

Pr Christophe Jamin et Dr Patrice Hémon reçoivent le trophée Transition de la SATT Ouest Valorisation pour les travaux menés avec la plateforme HYPERION.

4th edition of the Mass Cytometry thematic days

The French Cytometry Association will hold the 4th edition of the Mass Cytometry thematic days on 29 and 30 March 2022 in Paris.

LBAI is hiring a Bioinformatics/Bioanalyst Engineer

LBAI and CHRU of Brest are hiring a Bioinformatics/Bioanalyst Engineer to further strengthen their phenotypic analysis (CyTOF) and multiplex tissue imaging (Hyperion) capacities. Join our research group in Immunology to take part in ambitious projects in the fields of immunotherapies, autoimmune diseases and cancer! Application before 14/04/2022.

The HYPERION platform joins Biogenouest

HYPERION is joining Biogenouest, an interregional network of technology platforms in life and environmental sciences.

L'UBO Fête la science : Présentation de l'Hyperion

Une révolution technologique au service de la caractérisation des cancers et des maladies autoimmunes, l’Hypérion. Par Jacques-Olivier Pers.