Les universités SEA-EU organisent des cours intensifs sur des sujets variés ouverts aux étudiant·es de l'alliance. Ces mobilités, souvent sur quelques jours ou une semaine, permettent à un public différent d'y participer, et également d'envisager la mobilité internationale d'une autre manière.
Ces courtes périodes de mobilités constituent par ailleurs bien sûr une expérience académique, interculturelle et linguistique uniques.
Vous souhaitez participer à un BIP ? Contactez le Pôle Mobilité de la DEVE pour plus d'informations. N'hésitez pas à y expliquer vos motivations et à donner des informations sur votre programme d'études.
Des BIP sont aussi organisés à l'UBO, en tant qu'étudiant·es, vous pouvez y participer ! C'est une bonne façon de découvrir une expérience internationale et interculturelle à la maison.
Financez votre participation à un BIP avec les bourses Erasmus et SEA-EU :
La bourse Erasmus
-79€ par jour (dont deux jours de voyage) : pour un BIP de 5 jours, cela représente un montant de 553€.
-Les étudiant·es boursiers échelon 6 ou 7 et ceux en situation de handicap peuvent obtenir un forfait supplémentaire pour couvrir les besoins spécifiques.
La bourse SEA-EU
-En tant que participant à un BIP dans le cadre de l'alliance SEA-EU, vous avez également droit à une bourse complémentaire de 510€ pour financer votre déplacement.
Consultez quelques exemples de cours intensif proposés récemment :
The Blended Intensive Program (BIP) "Blue Geomarketing: The Case of Tourism in the Province of Cadiz" is coordinated by Universidad de Cádiz and involves partner institutions including Universidade do Algarve, Université de Bretagne Occidentale, and Nord University. The course focuses on the concept of blue geomarketing and its application to coastal tourism, integrating Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The program combines virtual and physical components, with lectures, group work, and field trips. Participants will gain practical skills in GIS and digital marketing, exploring real-world case studies in Cádiz and other SEA-EU coastal regions.
Virtual component :31 March - 4th April, 2025 (2h syncrone + 8h asynchrone + 20h of individual work)
Physical component : April 7-11, 2025
Deadline to apply : 15th December 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
Interdisciplinary course on culture of multilingualism. Participants will attend 4 hours of online classes at each participating university. In the time between the virtual phase and the mobility, students prepare a presentation in small mixed groups (G/F/S) on a topic suggested by the teachers, which they will present during the mobility.
Virtual component : February and March 2025
Physical component : May 19-23, 2025
Deadline to apply : 2nd December 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
This intensive course educates students on marine data sourcing, exploration, and valorisation, transforming data into valuable knowledge. The course highlights data’s importance in marine services, sustainable ocean development, and informed decision-making.
Participants will learn about various data types and acquisition platforms. Key components include data management, quality control, and adherence to international standards like INSPIRE and FAIR, promoting open data and interoperability.
Practical, hands-on sessions are delivered in a computer lab setting, covering specialized data platforms like CMEMS and EMODnet, and providing tools for data extraction, visualization, and analysis to ensure effective data use and interpretation.
Virtual component : 24 Feb – 25 April 2025
Physical component : 10 - 18 May 2025
Deadline to apply : 30 November 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
Do you want to learn innovative forms of dance and movement, through a flexible mobility format that combines a short online teaching and a unique one-week on-site component in Cadiz University (South Spain)?
The aim of the program is to give students the opportunity to work on dance technical and research workshops using collaborative, innovative and multidisciplinary teaching and learning approaches, in a common shared academic environment with students and teachers from across Europe.
Specifically, the unit focuses on understanding the relationship between dance, cities, natural environments and sustainability as part of a SEA-EU BIP (Blended Intensive Program) course, equivalent to 3 ECTS.
Virtual component : April 8th & May 6th, 2025
Physical component : April 23-27, 2025
Deadline to apply : 22nd of November 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
Artificial Intelligence for Humanities (3rd edition) - 31 mars au 4 avril 2025 à Brest
Do you want to know more about Artificial Intelligence?
This course is an introductory course on artificial intelligence, natural language processing and information retrieval.
1st Virtual component : 12th March 2025
Physical component : 31st March - 4th April 2025
2nd Virtual component : 21/04/2025 - 02/06/2025
Deadline to apply : 1st of December 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
Tourist engage in activities and use facilities that have sustainability implications. At the BIP, professors from the SEA-EU universities will give presentations that will touch upon one or more of the following :
- Sustainable development goals
- Climate change
- Efficient use of resources in tourism
- Sustainable approaches to hospitality
- Walkability and urban quality
- Sustainability implications of tourism travel
- Conservation of urban heritage
- Tourism impacts on city residents
- Innovative tourism product development
- Rural tourism and sustainability
Virtual component : 3 to 5 February 2025
Physical component : 10 to 14 February 2025
Deadline to apply : 30 October 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
Research into the interdisciplinary areas of additive technologies, sustainable and digital manufacturing, covering common and innovative materials.
Develop advanced skills in engineering, creative thinking, and environmental sustainability with this course focused on responsible material practices, reusability, and recycling in manufacturing processes.
Following an innovative curriculum, in-person and virtual activities will encourage global connections with diverse experts. Join us for an enriching experience across various sectors that combines knowledge, collaboration, and environmental consciousness.
Virtual component : 7 to 9 January 2025
Physical component : 13 to 17 January 2025
Deadline to apply : 22 November 2024. If you are interested in this BIP, contact the mobility office of the DEVE.
Smart Sea Cities (SSCi) - towards a sustainable and inclusive governance model for sea cities - 18-23 novembre 2024 à Naples
The aim of this BIP is to equip experts with interdisciplinary knowledge and skills in the field of urban transformation, in accordance with the 2030 Agenda and in particular with SDG11 (sustainable cities and communities). It will focus on: the regulatory, strategic and managerial skills, digital technologies, project cycle management and strategic urban planning and management, knowledge and skills on environmental and ecosystem accounting tools.
The BIP will be organised as outlined below:
- Physical component dates: 18.11.2024 - 23.11.2024
- Virtual component dates: 25.11.2024 – 17.12.2024 (virtual lessons and seminars)
- Project work submission: 18.12.2024
- Virtual presentation: 20.12.2024
Embark on a journey of practical experience where knowledge meets action! This course is designed to be a transformative experience, where you'll not only learn about the SDGs and collective intelligence, but also embark on a journey of self-discovery. By immersing yourself in practical exercises and exciting discussions, you'll develop invaluable skills that will enable you to meet the challenges of our ever-changing world. The centerpiece of the course: a creative marathon, during which you will collaborate with other participants to create innovative projects with a positive social and ecological impact. Together, we'll strive to make our campuses more sustainable while fostering personal development!
Artificial Intelligence (AI) for Humanities - 8-12 avril 2024 à Brest
This is an introductory course on artificial intelligence and natural language processing. Students will learn
- how to do data analysis in Python;
- how to apply LLMs, such as BLOOM, GPT, Meta Llama 2, for their own data and tasks, including text simplification, terminology and humor analysis;
- how to evaluate the results generated by AI;
- what are the limits and risks of the state-of-the-art LLMs.
Education for Sustainable Development in Coastal Communities - 22-26 avril 2024 à Bodo
Do you want to learn innovative forms of environmental
Education from Pan-European experts? This blended
intensive mobility program will give you the opportunity to
collaborate on addressing real-world examples with students
from across Europe. The course is a combination of online
education as well as a unique on-site component in
coastal Norway including a Hurtigruten ship journey along
the fjords.
Re-thinking sustainable city - 22-26 avril 2024 à Gdansk
- New cultural geography
- Making City Sustainable
- Re-thinking Urban Greenery
- Responsible investing in city development
Collaborative work between Science, Art and Creation - 14 au 19 mars 2024 à Brest
This opportunity is for students interested in the intersection of Science, Art and Creation, to learn through a collaborative and transdisciplinary research experience.
Participants will benefit from online lectures, discussions and workshops scheduled prior to a mobility week in Brest. The week-long intensive program will take place in Brest. It will include practical dance research workshops as part of a SEA-EU BIP (Blended Intensive Programme) course, equivalent to 3 ECTS. The program and research will culminate in a choreographic restitution performance, presented during the RESSAC festival 2024, in Brest.
Marine Data Literacy - 2-10 décembre 2023 à Split
• Are you struggling to find and use data proficiently in your project?
• Why do it by trial and error, without getting the full picture, resources and competence?
• If you are seeking to consolidate your skills in applying data and the scientific method in your research and work, then this Marine Data Literacy course is what you need.
Blue Geormarketing - 23-27 octobre 2023 à Cadiz
The course addresses social and environmental marketing
strategies to transform the tourism model in coastal
areas towards a sustainable tourism and driver of the
Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda. For
this purpose, the province of Cadiz will be used as a
case study due to its geographical and economic
configuration. Conceptual and methodological issues
will be analyzed. In addition, good practices in the
environmental and tourism fields will be presented.
Other cases of SEA-EU universities such as Algarve,
Brest and Malta will also be studied.
Shakespeare EU - 23-27 mai 2023 à Gdansk
Ce cours intensif offre une analyse approfondie de l'œuvre de Shakespeare, avec un
accent sur son impact sur la culture européenne contemporaine. Il met l'accent sur l'analyse théorique des textes mais mais aussi sur les interprétations contemporaines. Le cours est réalisé en coopération avec la Division des arts du spectacle, l'Institut d'études anglaises et études américaines, l'Université de Gdańsk et en partenariat avec le Gdańsk Shakespeare Theatre. À la fin du cours, les étudiants auront l'occasion de participer en tant que acteurs dans une courte pièce de la performance.
L’idée forte du Service-Learning est de pouvoir créer des ponts entre connaissances et compétences acquises à l’université et leur application au service de missions dans des structures associatives ou des collectivités, dans un objectif d’intérêt général. L’évaluation finale de l’étudiant tient compte de son appropriation des contenus vus en cours ainsi que de son investissement tout au long du projet associatif. Ces projets associatifs, liés aux enseignements universitaires, et ciblés par le Service-Learning ont une dimension sociale et solidaire, comme le tutorat et le soutien scolaire, les actions écologiques, la création de supports d’information ou encore l’élaboration et le traitement d’enquêtes en sciences humaines