Staff Week

Mise à jour le   11/03/2025

Qu'est-ce qu'une Staff Week?

Une Staff Week, c'est un échange de quelques jours, avec des homologues d'autres universités européennes, afin de travailler sur des thèmes professionnels communs, favoriser l'échange de bonnes pratiques et se former. Ces échanges sont proposés à tous les personnels de l'université : enseignant ou administratif. Ils doivent être en lien avec le développement professionnel de l'employé, dans une optique de formation tout au long de la vie. 

L'UBO, dans le cadre de l'alliance SEA-EU, développe ces programmes de mobilités courtes dont l'objectif est de favoriser la rencontre et la collaboration avec les homologues européens de nos universités partenaires. Chacune des 9 universités a pour objectif d'organiser 2 staff week par an, soit une vingtaine d'opportunités par an pour les personnels d'aller rencontrer, ou d'accueillir, ses homologues.

Si vous êtes intéressé.e par l'une des staff week suivantes, merci de bien vouloir remplir le formulaire dédié.


Quality assurance in the SEA-EU alliance, particularly aimed at joint programmes and mobility

The main goals of this staff week are to evaluate and align quality assurance practices for education across universities. Hereby also aligns joint programmes within the SEA-EU alliance in line with the partner universities, national regulations, and European Standards and Guidelines (ESG). 

Deadline to register : 13 avril 2025

Découvrir le programme complet 

Gender(ed) Landscapes

The Gender(ed) Landscapes Staff Week explores gender as a crucial phenomenon in society, examining how identities are shaped, challenged, and interpreted across disciplines and social practices. Through conference, discussions, and collaborative activities, participants will have an opportunity to foster interdisciplinary dialogue. This Staff Week aims to promote critical reflection, knowledge exchange, and new perspectives on gender’s evolving role in academia and society.

Deadline to register : 2 juin 2025

Découvrir le programme complet 

English as a Medium of Instruction

As teaching more courses in English is seen as a way to develop student mobility, lecturers who usually teach in their country’s language are considering teaching their subject in English to both national and international students. This requires a minimum competence in the English language, but not only. The aim of this staff week is to help participants understand the needs of the students who are taught in a different language and acquire tools to meet them.

Deadline to register : 22 avril 2025


English for Research

Most researchers are able to write about their research, using various online resources and services offered by our universities. When it comes to speaking in public, however, stress and lack of practise sometimes make it difficult to communicate efficiently. Socializing around events and small talk can also be challenging since they are remote from researchers’ field of expertise. This staff week aims to overcome the difficulties most commonly experienced in research.

Deadline to register : 4 of April 2025


Mental Health & Neuroinclusive Teaching

Academic and administration staff, counselling service representatives, and everybody who would like to increase their knowledge, skills, and competencies to support mental health and build neuro-inclusive environments are invited to take part in this Staff Week. 

Day 1: Introduction to Mental Health and Neuro-inclusivity in Higher Education. Set the foundation for the week, discuss the importance of mental health support and neuro-inclusivity within the academic environment. 

Day 2: Building Mental Health Literacy and Skills. Equip staff with skills to recognize, understand, and respond effectively to mental health challenges faced by students and colleagues.

Day 3: Practical Neuroinclusive Teaching Techniques, Addressing Burnout and Promoting Well-being. Focus on concrete methods to make classrooms and learning materials more accessible and inclusive for neurodivergent students.

Deadline to register: 7 mars 2025

Découvrez le programme complet !

Enhancing Career Development in the postdoctoral career phase: Different dimensions to supporting postdoctoral careers in academia and beyond

At a certain point in their career, postdoctoral researchers have to decide how they want to develop their career: Aim at becoming a professor, shift towards research related professions such as science management, or explore career opportunities beyond academia. During this Staff Week, SEA-EU experts involved in supporting researchers in the postdoctoral career phase will share their approaches and experiences. They will analyse and work with different methodologies and frameworks to identify appropriate approaches to enable postdocs from SEA-EU partner universities to develop their academic or non-academic careers.

Deadline to register: 15 mars 2025

Découvrez le programme complet !

Academic Staff Week in Psychology

Main goal of the Staff Week is to foster cross-institutional relationships among Psychology academic staff, to ensure educational support and sharing best practices among universities that implement Psychology study programs and ensure psychological aspects of support for students during their study time.

Main objectives of the Staff Week:

  • Foster cross-institutional relationships among academic staff in Psychology
  • Identify mutual research and teaching opportunities for cooperation
  • Address and enhance the psychological support mechanisms for students during their academic journey
  • Share best practices and educational support strategies across universities that implement Psychology study programs

Deadline to register : 31st of July

Programme complet

A fresh look at campus photography

This staff week is aimed at SEAU-EU staff members who use photography as a tool for communicating about their university/laboratory. It has been designed for non specialists and basic knowledge about photography is enough to participate. The training will focus on 3 main topics (campus, laboratories/science and portrait) and an introduction to the technical aspects (operating a camera and post-production). Practice in small groups, friendly challenges and social events will foster interactions between participants and let you discover the city of Brest and its University. The staff week will be animated by professional photographers and university communication staff.

Deadline to register : 28th of february 


Full programme 

English for Administrative Staff

Exchanging with international partners on our administrative procedures, or dealing with foreign students’ questions has become necessary for many colleagues in administrative positions. This staff week aims to develop our staff’s self-confidence when communicating in English at work so they can take part in meetings or work-shadowing experience within our Alliance.


Deadline to register : 1st of November 2024

Responsible, Reproducible and Open Science: How to conduct research responsibly

The SEA-EU Staff Week on Responsible, Reproducible, and Open Science is a three-day intensive program hosted at Split University. The event offers a comprehensive schedule of expert talks, interactive workshops, and collaborative sessions to discuss research and argue in favour of responsible conduct of research.

Deadline to register : 7th of October 2024

Happiness at work

The aim of the course is to present ideas on how to achieve happiness and peace, and enjoy life and the present moment. Join this
course with participants from all over the world and build international contacts.

Deadline to register : 30th of September 2024

The SEA-EU 2.0 inclusion expert group (4.1) organises its physical meeting in UBO, Brest. The expert group including experts on gender issues as well as experts on disability issues, we would like to propose a 4 days program.

The first two days will be devoted to inclusion through the prism of gender, with a particular focus on inclusive writing issues, aiming to propose a reference document for inclusive communication within the alliance. This question of inclusive writing will open the second part of the week, focusing on the inclusivity of our campuses to students with disabilities.

Pour participer/assister aux échanges: écrire à
Inscription possible à tous les temps d’échange, sauf mercredi après midi.





Date limite de candidature : 1er septembre 2024

Most researchers are able to write about their research, using various online resources and services offered by our universities. When it comes to speaking in public, however, stress and lack of practise sometimes make it difficult to communicate efficiently. Socializing around events and small talk can also be challenging since they are remote from researchers’ field of expertise. This staff week aims to overcome the difficulties most commonly experienced in research.




Exchanging with international partners on our administrative procedures, or dealing with foreign students’ questions has become necessary for many colleagues in administrative positions.

This staff week aims to develop our staff’s self-confidence when communicating in English at work so they can take part in meetings or work-shadowing experience within our Alliance.

Date limite de candidature : 1er mars 2024

This Staff Week is aimed at academic and non-academic staff interested in the area of mental health.

Date limite de candidature : 29 février 2024

Programme de la Staff Week

This Staff Week will focus on the tools and resources that the SEA-EU Alliance has to offer to its faculties in the framework of the Erasmus+ programme.

Date limite de candidature : 17 décembre 2023

Programme de la Staff Week

The «Exploring Sustainable Finance» aims to provide a dynamic program
designed to empower SEA-EU teaching staff to delve into the rapidly
evolving world of sustainable finance. This week-long event offers a
platform for participants to broaden their understanding of sustainable
finance practices, innovations, and challenges. Through a series of
workshops, lectures, and discussions, attendees will gain valuable
insights into how finance and sustainability can (and must) harmoniously

Teachers/lecturers considering teaching their subject in English or who have already started to do so

As teaching more courses in English is seen as a way to develop student mobility, lecturers who usually teach in their country’s language are considering teaching their subject in English to both national and international students.

Date limite de candidature : 15 octobre 2023

Programme de la Staff Week

The goal of the staff week is to foster networks and exchange of best practices in the scope of innovation, discussing knowledge transfer and entrepreneurship actions to promote regional competitiveness and to value knowledge from the Universities.

Date limite de candidature : 31 octobre 2023

Programme de la Staff Week

Student Advisory Services

  • Exploring differences and commonalities across services offered by SEA-EU Career Offices
  • Building collaborative methods and learning perspectives on student support, job seeking, eservices and career office development opportunities.

Date limite de candidature : 25 août 2023

Programme de la Staff Week

Developing a training program for students as course assistants and peer coaches

Date limite de candidature : 15 septembre 2023

Programme de la Staff Week "Developing a training program"

Internationalisation - from mobility to international exposure

Date limite de candidature : 1 septembre 2023

Programme de la Staff Week "Internationalisation"

Sustainable HR for Modern model of Administration of HEIs

Date limite de candidature : 15 septembre 2023

Programme de la Staff Week "Sustainable HR for Modern modern of administration of HEIs"

Participer à une Staff week à l'étranger

Pour participer à une Staff Week, deux étapes sont à suivre: 

-Remplir le formulaire d'inscription disponible en haut de la page. 

-Organiser la mission au sein de votre composante/service en lien. 

Les frais de mobilité peuvent être en grande partie couverts grâce aux financements Erasmus+ pour lesquels il vous vous faudra monter un dossier de mobilité auprès du pôle mobilité international de la Direction des Affaires Internationales:

En complément des bourses Erasmus, la Direction des Ressources Humaines offre également une prise en charge pour la participation à des Staff Weeks linguistiques, pour plus d'information, contactez le service formation de la DRH.

Le bureau SEA-EU est à votre disposition pour vous accompagner dans votre projet de mobilité européenne.

Organiser une Staff week et accueillir les collègues européens à l'UBO

L'UBO se doit d'organiser 2 Staff week par an pour faire découvrir nos pratiques aux homologues européens de SEA-EU (a minima, pour les 4 années à venir). Le bureau SEA-EU est donc toujours à la recherche de volontaires pour monter des projets d'accueil.

Que vous soyez enseignant et/ou personnel support dans un service administratif ou technique, si cela vous intéresse, n'hésitez pas à nous contacter pour que nous en discutions:

Retours d'expérience et photos

Inclusive campus (october 2024)

English for Researchers (Juin 2024)

English for Staff (April 2024)