Mise à jour le   24/06/2024


Team and research areas

The team consists of 12 professors, 2 CNRS researchers, 2 associate researchers, 6 doctoral students, and 1 post-doctoral student. The team's  activity is  organized around six main, often intersecting, research areas:

  • Deterministic and stochastic control and games    
  • Optimization, optimal transport and calculus of variations   
  • Mathematics applied to life sciences  
  • Analysis and application to biology    
  • Numerical Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis    
  • Signal and image processing


(6 PR, 1 PR Emérite,  5 MCF, 1 CR CNRS,  2 Chercheurs Associés, 7 doctorants, responsable de l'équipe :  Miloud Sadkane)

  • Abdallah Abdel Wahab, Doctorant UBO
  • Fétiveau Arthur, Doctorant UBS
  • Thierno Balde, Doctorant UBO
  • Julien Bernis, Chercheur Associé, UBO
  • Piernicola Bettiol, PR, UBO
  • Rainer Buckdahn, PR, UBO
  • Vincent Calvez, DR  CNRS
  • Hélène Canot, Chercheure Associée, UBS
  • Christelle Davezac Doctorante UBS
  • Emmanuel Frénod, PR, UBS
  • Jacques Froment, PR, UBS
  • Christiane Godet-Thobie, PR Emérite, UBO
  • Chloé Jimenez, MCF, UBO
  • Claire Launay, MCF, UBS
  • Victor Lopez Mego, Doctorant UBO
  • Vuk Milisic, CR CNRS
  • Olivier Pourquier, MCF, UBS
  • Marc Quincampoix, PR, UBO
  • Anaïs Rat, Post-doctorante, UBO
  • Mickael Robbé, MCF, UBO
  • Jérémy Rouot, MCF, UBO
  • Miloud Sadkane, PR, UBO
  • Béatrice Vedel, MCF, UBS
  • Corentin Vazia, Doctorant UBS

Deterministic and stochastic control and games:

  • Optimality conditions, stability in optimal control, metric regularity
  • Characterization of the value of deterministic and stochastic control problem by Hamilton Jacobi Bellman equations   
  • Control with a very large number of agents
  • Zero-sum differential games with incomplete information, information games where information is suddenly revealed    
  • Mean-field  games
  • Optimal geometric control, optimal synthesis

Optimization, optimal transport and calculus of variations:

  • Optimal transport with congestion
  • Optimal semi-discrete transport
  • Variational mean-field games
  • Hamilton-Jacobi in Wasserstein space
  • Optimality conditions, regularity of minimizers in the calculus of variations

Mathematics applied to life sciences:

  • Mathematical modeling
  • Individual and collective movement of cells 
  • Ecology (spread of invasive species) and Evolution (quantitative genetics)
  • Transport equations, kinetic equations 
  • Reaction-diffusion equations, wave propagation
  • Epidemiology 

Analysis and application to biology:

  • Cell motility, modeling and mathematical analysis of adhesion
  • Integro-differential equations and inclusions
  • Elasto-visco-plastic behavior laws
  • Blood flow, cell transport   

Numerical Analysis and Asymptotic Analysis:

  • Numerical methods for optimal control
  • Eigenvalue problems for structured matrices (symplectic, palindromic)
  • Acceleration of implicit schemes for large algebro-differential systems
  • Stabilization of the wave equation with Kelvin-Voigt type damping
  • Multi-scale modeling of the propagation of an electromagnetic wave in a composite material
  • Numerical methods based on homogenization for the simulation of magnetized plasmas
  • Construction of Statistical Learning tools based on PDEs

Signal and image processing:

  •  Mathematical representations of relevant information contained in digital      images and reconstruction of missing data
  •  Applications to image restoration, data fusion and medical imaging problems
  •  Multifractal analysis and wavelet analysis


  • ERC consolidator grant, WACONDY (2021-2025)
  • PERP exploratoire Maths-Vives, Projet Ciblé "Mamutcell" (2024-2029)

Seminars and working groups:

   The seminar in Brest: Tuesday at 2 p.m. in the conference room (building H, Faculty of Sciences, UBO Brest)
   the seminar in Vannes: Friday at LMBA Vannes (UBS, Yves Coppens building located in the Tohannic Research center in Vannes)

Animation of networks or programs: 

  • PGMO Project « Stochastic Control under State Constraints » PGMO- 2015-2832H (2015-2017),  and  PGMO 2016-1570H (2016-2018).
  • PGMO Projet « Optimal Control for Stochastic Differential Equation » from 2018/2019  to  2019/2020
  • PEPS JCJC project « Existence, Conditions Nécessaires et Applications en Optimisation  Dynamique »  March-September 2022

Participation in networks or programs:

  • ANR TheoGeneDrive (2019-2025)
  • ANR FLUOMOTORS (2024-2028)
  • GdR 3475 « Analyse multifractale »
  • ANR «  Amatis »
  • ANR  GYPSI «GYrokinetic high Performance Simulation for ITER»
  • GdR-Math & Entreprises et AMIES
  • Thematic Network  CNRS  RT2175  Optimization 
  • GdR 3362 « Contrôle des EDP »
  • European Project  «Verification of global gyrokinetic codes and development of new algorithms for gyrokinetic and kinetic codes - CfP-WP15-ER/IPP-01»
  • European Project  « Synergetic numerical-experimental approach to fundamental aspects of turbulent transport in the tokamak edge - CfP-WP14-ER-01/Swiss Confederation-01 »   January  2014 -- December  2014
  • European Project  « ITN SADCO »  (Sensitivity Analysis for Deterministic Control Design), 2009-2014
  • Thematic Network  MAIAGES (MAthématiques de l’Imagerie, Apprentissage et GEométrie Stochastique) 
  •  GdR IASIS (Information, Apprentissage, Signal, Image et ViSion)
  • ANR COSS (COntrol on Stratified Structures): ANR-22-CE40-0010 (Réseau thématique CNRS RT2175 Optimisation).

Recently organized conferences:

  • International Workshop on «Probability, Uncertainty and Quantitiative Risk », Shandong University at Weihai, China,    July 11--14,  2019
  • International conference  «Stochastic Analysis, Stochastic Control and New Developments », Weihai, China,  August 15--19, 2018
  • Conference «Stochastic Control. BSDE and new developments », Roscoff, France,  September 11--15, 2017
  • International conference  «Stochastic Dynamical Systems and Ergodicity », Weihai, China,  August 7--11, 2017 
  • Conference « Sample Days », Brest, Septembre 2021
  • Advances in Stochastic Control and Optimal Stopping with Applications in Economics and Finance, CIRM, Marseille-Luminy, September 12--16, 2022
  • Workshop " jeux dynamiques", Quimper,  October 20--22, 2021