Mise à jour le   14/05/2024


Activities and research areas of the team

The team dynamical systems, probability and Statistic is one of the three research groups of the LMBA (UMR CNRS 6205, Univ Brest, Univ Bretagne Sud). Its activities are both in theoretical and applied domains, covering a broad spectrum, its dierent thematics enrich one another sharing ideas, mehods, questions or models. The team meets regularly (two to three times per year) at its Quimper days seminars. The thematics of the team are the following ones:

  • Dynamical systems
  • Probability
  • Statistic
  • Geometric and applied optics
  • History of drawing, calculating and measuring instruments
  • Sustainable Development

Permanent members


Associated members

  •   (professeur CPGE, doctorat UBS)
  • Renaud Leplaideur  (MCF UNC, ex-MCF UBO)
  • Frédéric (ma) Mathéus (professeur CPGE, ex-MCF UBS)
  • Philippe Naveau 
  • Hui Xiao  (doctorat UBS 2020)

Temporary members

  • Alexis BlandinAlexis Blandin (Doctorant/PhD-student UBS)
  • Clément BonetClément (2) Bonet (Doctorant/PhD-student UBS)
  • Yann Gueguen (Doctorant/PhD-student UBS)
  • Jules GuillotJules (3) Guillot (Doctorant/PhD-student UBS-UBO)
  • Shamsa Ishaq  (Doctorante/PhD-student)
  • Juliette LegrandJuliette Legrand  (Doctorante/PhD-student UBO)
  • Thi Trang Nguyen (Doctorante//PhD-student UBS)
  • Said Obakrim   (Doctorant/PhD-student UBO)
  • Samir OrujovSamir (1) Orujov  (Doctorant/PhD-student UBS)
  •   (Doctorant//PhD-student UBO)
  • Roméo TayewoRoméo Tayewo (Doctorant/PhD-student UBS)
  •   (ATER UBO)

The thematics of the team are the following ones:

dynamical systems : ergodic theory, hyperbolic systems, almost dure convergence theorems, ininite measure,  geodesic lows in negatice curvature, dynamics on non-compact spaces, Sinai and Bunimovich stadium billiards, Young's towers systems, quantitative recurrece (spped of convergence, limit laws of return times), thermodynamical formalism, statistic mecanic, maximizing measure, Ising and Curie-Weiss models, perturbed systems, random iterations of systems

Probability : sums of stationary random variables, large and moderate deviations, persistence, random walks, martingales, random walks in random media, processes in random sceneries, Markov chains, branching processes in random media, multiplicative cascades, directed polymers in random media, associative memory and Data science, games and randomness, neural networks, stochastic algorithms, multi-users communication systems, probabilistic approaches in image processing, harmonic analysis.

Statistic : oceanographical and meteorological statistic and datas, parametric and non-parametric estimation, extreme values theory, biostatistic and environmental statistic, sequential statistic, fiability, model selection, large dimenstion statistic, non-parametric Filtering, Non-local Means iltering, image assimilation and processing, statistical models and methods applied to medecine, language analysis and automatic language processes, multidimensional and learning methods applied to the study of ecosystems pollution

Geometric and applied optics : representation of the polarized light by the quaternions algebra, modelization of the polarization, fractional Fourier transform or diffraction and Wigner representation, application to the theory of instable resonators, new ray tracing method, analogy between diffraction and temporal optic

History of drawing, calculating and measuring instruments : history and pedagogical use of mecanic instruments, reconstitution of Poleni's lost machines, conception of new machines to construct algebraic and transcendant curves

Sustainable Development : global warming and ocean health

The team dynamical systems, probability and Statistic is one of the three research groups of the LMBA (UMR CNRS 6205, Univ Brest, Univ Bretagne Sud). Its activities are both in theoretical and applied domains, covering a broad spectrum, its dierent thematics enrich one another sharing ideas, mehods, questions or models. The team meets regularly (two to three times per year) at its Quimper days seminars. The thematics of the team are the following ones:

  • Dynamical systems
  • Probability
  • Statistic
  • Geometric and applied optics
  • History of drawing, calculating and measuring instruments
  • Sustainable Development

Inter-teams research works :

  • With the team GT (Geometry-Topology) : random walks on matrices groups or on groups acting on CAT(0) spaces, caustics by reflexion and Halphen transform
  • With the team APSA (Analysis, Stochastic Phenomena and Applications) : image processing, cybersecurity, Construction and analysis of Learning biomimetic statistical tools, model-data coupling

Many links exist between the differents axes of this team. The operator perturbation methods and the quasi-compactness of operators are used in the same way in the context of dynamical systems and in probability. The extreme values distributions studied in statistics are related to quantitative recurrence properties of dynamical systems. Markov chains appear both as a research subject in probability et as a reerence modelin applied statistic; they are also related to subshits of finite type studied in the context of dynamical systems. Ergodicity and mixing notions, as well as martingales are also common. The study of agebraic caustic surfaces comes from optics. All these shared notions ensure the cohesion of the team.

Seminars and working groups:

   the seminar in Brest: Thursdays at 2 p.m. in the conference room (UBO Brest, UFR Sciences et Techniques, 6 avenue Le Gorgeu, building H)
   the seminar in Vannes: Fridays at 11 a.m. in room B133 of the LMBA (UBS, Yves Coppens building located in the Tohannic Research center in Vannes)
   in Quimper every quarter

Participation in national and international research networks/Research groups:

   ANR project MELODY (2019-2023)
   ANR project MALIN (2017-2021, Rance-Switzerland)
   ANR project MFG (2016-2021)
   GDR CNRS Multifractal analysis (since 2012),
   GDR CNRS Game Theory: mathematical modeling and applications (since 2008)
   GDR CNRS Plato Geometry, Dynamics and Probability
   Project DynaLearn, Dynamical Modeling for Machine Learning (2020-2024)
   Project FRESH in image processing (2017-2020)
   Project RECOSYNTH Analysis and synthesis of ecological restoration experiments and actions carried out on mining sites in New Caledonia over the past 30 years (2015-2017)
   Project “Markov chains and multitype branching processes in random environments”. The National Natural Science Foundation of China Grant no. 11571052 (2016-2019)
   Project “Large deviations theory for Wiener sausage intersection orbit and applications in sensor networks”, National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 11401590 (2015-2017)
   Scientific cooperation Project France-Tunisia PHC UTIQUE (2016-2018)
   ECOS-sud Project “Nonparametric Data Assimilation: a data-driven approach” (France-Argentina)
   Project “Probability models with random environments” (2018-2022, France-China)
   Project "some frontier problems of branching processes in random environments" (2017-2019, France-China)
   Project "The growth of random Laplace-Stieltjes transform and the existence of solution to complex equations" (2016-2019, France-China)
   European project ERANET-MED “DESIRES” (2017-2018)
   Interdisciplinary project EuroPoleni, MSHB project (2018-2020, France-Italia)
   European network CA16228: European Network of Game theory (2017-)
   Project (Leverhulme Trust grant network) “Statistical Properties of Non-Uniformly Hyperbolic Dynamical Systems: Computer Assisted Proofs and Rigorous Computations” (2014-2017, rance-UK-Italy-Portugal)
   Project (MITI CNRS): Distribution of extreme events and application to climatology, 2019

Recently organized conferences:

   Dynamic games in Quimper (20-21-22/10/2021)
   Probability Days (2021)
   Finistère summer school in dynamic systems in (GDR CNRS Platon meeting) Brest (2021)
   5th International Conference on artificial Intelligence and security, New York, USA, (07/26-28/2019)
   French-German-Swiss conference on Optimization (2019)
   International conference Probabilistic limit theorems for dynamical systems, CIRM (2018)
   Annual Congress of European RCEs (Regional Centers of Expertise in Education for Sustainable Development), Vannes (2018)
   4th International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2018), Haikou, China
   International conference “Fourth Conference on Stochastic Weather Generators”, Boulder, USA (2018)
   3rd International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2017), Nanjing, China (2017)
   International conference and summer school Data Science and Environment, Brest (2017)
   SWEN-Hydro international conference, Berlin (2017)
   Statistics meetings (“Smart Cities”) UBS (2017)
   International conference Dynamics in infinite measurement, Brest (2017)
   Meeting Random processes, random environments, Landeda (2016)
   International Conference on Cloud Computing and Security (ICCCS 2016), Nanjing, China (2016)
   Workshop on Stochastic Weather Generators, Vannes (2016)
   Statistics meetings (“Artificial Intelligence”) UBS (2016)
   International Ergodic Geometry Conference (1-3/06/2016)
   Meeting on Martingales, Markov chains and dynamic systems, Landeda
   International Conference 12th German Probability and Statistics Days (2016)

Recent visitors:

   2019: Ms. Galit Ashkenazi-Golan (Tel Aviv), Mr. Kasun Fernando (Toronto), Ms. Guohua Geng (Northwest, China), Ms. Shulan Hu (Wuhan, China), Mr. Mathias Löwe (Münster, Germany), Mr. Pietro Milici (Italy), Mr. Eilon Solan (Tel Aviv, Israel), Mr. Damien Thomine (Orsay), Mr. Xinyu Wang (Wuhan, China), Mr. Mingquan Zhou (Beijing, China)
   2018: Mr. Alexis Devulder (Versailles), Mr. Corneliu Gutu (Modavie), Mr. Mathias Löwe (Münster, Germany), Mr. Xingming Sun (Nanjing, China), Mr. Dawei Yang (Suzhou, China), Mr. Roland Zweimüller (Vienna, Austria)
   2017: Mr Romain Aimino (Porto), Ms Galit Ashkenazi-Golan (Tel Aviv, Israel), Ms Elena Cara (Moldova), Mr Alexis Devulder (Versailles), Ms Nina Gantert (Munich, Germany), Mr Alexander Iksanov (Kiev, Ukraine), Mr. Mathias Löwe (Münster, Germany), Mr. Ion Partachi (Moldova), Gutu Valeriu (Moldova)
   2016: Mr. Alexandre Baraviera (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Mr. Jorge Luis Crisostomo Parejas (Sao Carlos, Brazil), Mr. Zhao Dong (China), Mr. Paolo Giullietti (Porto Alegre, Brazil), Mr. Mathias Löwe ( Münster, Germany), Mr. Rafael Ruggiero (Rio, Brazil), Mr. Dawei Yang (Suzhou, China)

Keywords :